Recreational Boat Building Industry
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Power Boat Building Industry News
U.S. Coast Guard releases 2014 Recreational Boat Accident Statistical report.
ABYC releases Consoldated Boat Warning Labels in May 2015.
Volvo Penta Forward Drive released at Miami Boat Show in February 2015.
10 June 2010 we released our Houseboat Propeller
Safety Paper. It focuses on USCG's proposal and withdrawal of USCG-2001-10163, the houseboat propeller injury avoidance regulation.
5 April 2010 Brunswick looses $3.8 Million
Brochtrup propeller case.
25 November 2009 Safety Propeller
wins 2009 Australian Invention of the Year Award.
14 June 2009 Decker vs. OMC propeller injury case tried by jury
we posted a synopsis (scorecard) of the trial on 13 July 2009.
2 June 2009 Genmar declares bankruptcy.
26 June 2008 Brunswick press release
announced cutting 1,000 jobs now, reducing operating boat plants from 29 at end of 2007 to 17 by the end of 2008, and
another 1,700 possible job cuts in response to the U.S. market downturn.
17 Feb 2007 VEN-T BOATS 15 foot vented tunnel drive boat targeting entry boaters is shown at Dealer Expo.
23 Jan 2007 Mercury MerCruiser announced a new 100HP stern drive called Vazer to be built in Stillwater. Its a 1.6L GM Vortec SOHC-4 with a compact stern drive.
29 May 2006 - We launched the Outboard Motor Manufacturers Directory and Information Center bringing together a vast amount of information for outboard owners and for those considering purchasing an outboard motor.
January 2006 Tulsa Boat Show - see our coverage of the 2006 Tulsa Boat Show
7 Dec 2005 - George Buckley resigned as head of Brunswick to go head 3M. Dustin McCoy, recent head of the Brunswick Boat Group will take over leading Brunswick.
1 Dec 2005 - We posted our drive development paper, Marketing New Marine Drive Concepts Similar to Outboards and Stern Drives: a Difficult Path for Independent Inventors and Small Companies and the Recreational Marine Drive Commercialization Path Chart
31 May 2005 - Brunswick acquired Triton Boat Company.
17 Feb 2005 Outboard Motors from Japan - 180 page report released on the outboard dumping case
2 Feb 2005 Yamaha won the outboard dumping case brought by Mercury. Brunswick and Yamaha then settled the pricing and availability case brought forward after the dumping case was filed.
25 Jan 2005 Brunswick granted approval by US Bankruptcy Court to purchase Benrock (a marine distributor).
3 Jan 2005 - Brunswick buys Sea Pro and Sea Boss boats.
1 Dec 2004 Volvo Penta's new IPS drive appears in print
9 Nov 2004 Bombardier Recreational Products Announces Cutting 800 Jobs
6 Oct 2004 - U.S. Coast Guard announces grant for studying propeller injury mitigation technologies
6 Aug 2004 Preliminary Ruling in Outboard Dumping Case Favors Brunswick
26 July 2004 - Marine Stern Drive Production Volumes and Market Shares: An Overview our latest paper on the drive market.
2004 Tulsa Boat Show Report and Twiggy, the water skiing squirrel.
9 Jan 2004 - Mercury Marine claims Japanese outboard companies "dumping" outboards in the U.S. market
3 Sept 2003 - Yamaha / Skeeter prop injury case settled for $6 million
2 Sep 2003 - Brunwick purchases Attwood Marine Parts & Accessories
27 August 2003 - Bombardier announced sale of their Recreation unit to the Bombardier family for $875 million
23 June 2003 - Brunswick Acquires Land 'N' Sea
3 Apr 2003 - Bombardier announced plans to sell its Recreation Division (boats and motors), perhaps to the Bombardier family
Sprietsma v. Mercury Marine propeller guard case.
We greatly enhanced our Power Boat Industry Statistics page
Pursuit Dynamics continues to develop propellerless drive
Mercury Marine propeller case goes before U.S. Supreme Court
Infrared Virtual Propeller Guard patent issued to Brunswick
Mr. Wizard begins looking into outboard torque curves
Toyota exits U.S. marine industry
Cummins and Mercury Marine form stern drive and diesel engine joint venture
Volvo wins 2002 Miami Boat Show Innovation award with
Ocean Series XDP composite stern drive
Brunswick buys Hatteras Yachts from Genmar with analysis by Mr. Wizard
Volvo Penta Composite Drive finally steps from the shadows?
Recreational Marine Drives Design Paper by Polson Enteprises
Mercury Racing announces new integrated transom for Bravo One XR drive
Ford to build marine engines
What's Next for OMC ??? Extensive coverage of OMC bankruptcy
Ford and Yamaha team up to produce U.S. boat motors
NMMA Cancells Boating Week 2001
OMC files for bankruptcy
OMC shuts down for a month
OMC Lays Off 1000
Mercury MerCruiser celebrates 2.5 millionth stern drive
U.S. Supreme Court Refuses to Hear Appeal in Brunswick Antitrust Case
Brunswick rescinds on agreement to sell Outdoor Businesses to K2
1999 Boating Registration Stats Released
Full coverage of Boating Week 2000
Brunswick announces sale of Zebco, Motor Guide, Igloo & Hoppe's to K2, Inc.
Brunswick Names Mackey Mercury Marine President
David Jones Resigns as OMC Pres & CEO
NMMA & MRAA announce alliance with Boats.Com
MIT Robot Fish feature article in August 2000 issue of Smithsonian Magazine
Brunswick Names Buckley CEO & Divests Fishing, Camping, Bike Units
White paper Commercializing Innovative Marine Drive Designs
Waterway Economic Impact Study
New Contrarotating Marine Drive Technologies Book
Buckley named President and COO of Brunswick
Military GPS signal now available
Brunswick WINS anti-trust suit on appeal
BC settles ABA lawsuit
Wall Street Journal Triton Boats Article
BC Settles Volvo Suit
Genmar to go public
MN Boats Crash and Claim 5 Lives
Arkansas "Duck Boat" Sinks, 13 dead
GM Applies Center For Disease Control Techniques to Reduce Warranty Costs
WSJ publishes fuel cell article
Ford AcquiresVolvo Automotive
New Approach to Prop Guards and RBBI concept
Volvo Acquires OMC SD and Sues BC
Fireworks barge claims 2 in New Orleans
CA passes new emission limits
MTBE not Carcinogenic !!
MM Discontinues Force Outboards
Mercury Brand Name Press Release
The Key to Growth in the Boating Industry RBBI white paper
Report on IMTEC98 Boat Show
Aerobic Bacteria Film May Slow Marine Corrosion?
Brunswick Cuts 750 Jobs
OMC Closes 2 Plants
Mr. Wizard Predicts What's Next for Fish Finders
Hurricane Proofing Your Boat
Marine Max adds Hatteras to Product Line
BC 9 Million Share Block Sold
Sanshin CR surfacing prop patents
Major Marine Chop Shop Found?
Fountain sea trials advanced yacht w/surface drives
PWC collides with 47 footer
Celebrity Boats SOLD
Stock Market Jitters - What does it mean?
Shelter Island NY Boating Accident claims 3
Marine Max acquires Brevard Boat Sales
Brunswick Vendetta in
Mercury Marine acquires MCA
Mr. Wizard Predicts, "What's next for Brunswick?"
GM Strike Reaches Tentative Agreement
GM to produce engines for MerCruiser during strike
New US Marine Pres. - John Russell
Mercury Marine Inks 6 Year Deal with Orbital Engines
Brunswick LOSES $133 Million Case to Independents
Last Year's 4 of July Fireworks Barge Explosions
MarineMax IPO
Bowen Bill AB2439 DEFEATED !!
Anti-Yachting Article in Wall Street Journal
Independent Builders vs. Brunswick Trial Docket
OMC Workforce Reduction
Jeff Napier resigns as NMMA President
OMC Licenses FICHT Technology to Polaris
Boaters vs. PWCs Recreational Conflict Research Paper
Regal FasTrac Hull Design Controversy (Schoell Patent dispute)
Brunswick announces FTC Antitrust Probe into stern drive sales practices
