 Brunswick Corporation News Page |

Brunswick corporate news. We provide extensive coverage of Brunswick news, especially Brunswick
Marine and Mercury Marine news. We also provide a eleven year archive of Brunswick corporate news.
Introduction to Brunswick Brunswick Web Sites

- 24 December 2009 "MerCruiser Launches Plan to Retain Good Workers" reports Mercury is offering an incentive
of $2,000 to hourly workers who sign on in "Project Completion" and agree to forgo bonuses from 2008 (which the
company still says it never promised and is being disputed in court. Approximately 175 workers remain. Stillwater
NewsPress. 24 December 2009. Pages A1 abnd A3.
- 30 September 2009 "Brunswick Denies Making Promise to Pay Bonuses" Brunswick now denies it promised
bonuses to hourly employees if they met certain production requirements in Stillwater (MerCruiser) and thus
they are not guilty of failing to pay them. Similarly, about 100 Mercury Marine managers in Fond du Lac are
also suing Brunswick over promised bonuses that were not paid. Managers were to receive 10 percent of cost
savings they achieved. In December 2008, Brunswick elected not to pay the bonuses due to weak market
conditions. Stillwater Newspress 30 September 2009. Page A5.

We grouped a large number of news releases surrounding Mercury Marine reaching a decision to consolidate
their Fon du Lac Wisconsin and Stillwater Oklahoma locations to a single site below. The articles are dated
from mid June 2009 thru mid September 2009. An extensive list of earlier Brunswick news continues below them.
- 16 September 2009 "Mercury Head to Visit Stillwater" reports Mark Schwabero, President of Mercury Marine,
was in Stillwater Tuesday to meet with City leadership and local employees to explain what has been done and
will take place. By near the end of 2010 all drive and transom casting and machinery will be moved to FDL and
all transition should end by the end of 2011. Stillwater Newspress 16 September 2009. Pages A1 and A10.
- 16 September 2009 "MerCruiser Lost" reports Mercury will be packing up and moving its MerCruiser operation
north to FDL. Stillwater NewPlus 16 September 2009. Pages A1 and A3.
- 4 Sept 2009 Mercury Accepts Yes Vote
on Contract Proposal. Fond du lac Reporter 4 September 2009 reports the Union voted to accept the previously rejected
contract proposal today. Mercury said it will begin this year to consolidate manufacturing work to its
Fond du lac facilities including transition of work from Stillwater over the next 18 to 24 months.
We are speechless after the events of the last few days, but do wish our local folks at MerCruiser the
best in this troubled time.
- 3 September 2009 "Union Fallout Preceded Re-Vote" reports the lead union negotiator, Dan Longsine has resigned and
his Union Local 1947 President is also no longer involved (the lead two people on the union side are no longer in the
picture). The re-vote is going on today (Thursday) and tomorrow (Friday). Stillwater Newspress 3 September 2009. Pages A1 and A3.
Note this same article was reprinted in the NewsPlus on Wednesday 9 September 2009 on Pages A1 and A3.
- 2 September 2009 "City Reacts to Mecury Flip-Flop" reports Stillwater is still pushing for consolidation in here,
even after Mercury has flip-flopped and choose to allow the union to revote on the contract. Several locals admit being
upset and frustrated at Mercury going against previous statements made to Stillwater. Stillwater Newspress 2 September
2009. Pages A1 and A3.
- 2 Sept 2009 Merc Union Will
Have Another Chance to Vote Fond du Lac Reporter 2 September 2009 confirms the union will be allowed to vote
again this Thursday and Friday. A four page handout is being given union members to further explain details of the
unchanged contract. The article reports a yes vote would allow Mercury to stay there and bring 200 jobs from
Stillwater per a county executive.
We realize the drama has yet to play out, but find the allowed re-vote at odds with a statement by
Mr. Flemming in the 1 Sept. FDLReporter, " Even if the union leadership had delivered a "yes" vote to the company
this week it was highly unlikely the company would accept the belated union vote after the deadline. ... We had initially
asked for one vote to tell us their answer. (now they seem willing to accept not only a second, but also a third vote.)
AND especially with Mr. Flemming's statements in the 30 August Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (JSOnline) after the botched midnight
vote attempt, "People should be reminded that there was another town, that we are very compatible with,
in Oklahoma anxiously awaiting the results" of the vote, Fleming said. "Frankly, it would be unethical to tell
Stillwater that there was a schedule and a set of conditions for negotiations and then throw it all out the
window because the union in Fond du Lac chose not to allow its members to vote in a timely fashion."
- 1 Sept 2009 "Mercury, Union Talking Again" Stillwater Newspress page 1 headlines confirm Mercury will be
meeting with the union in Fond du Lac to bring clarity to communications regarding their best and final proposal.
- 31 August 2009 "Mercury On Its Way" Stillwater Newpress page 1 headlines confirm Mark Schwabero says,
"We will work closely with out teams in Fond du Lac and Stillwater to develop a smooth transition plan ...."
- 24 August 2009 "Mercury Looks to Stillwater" reports "Mercury Marine said it will begin consolidating its
Fond du Lac, Wis. operations with Stillwater's facilities here as a result of the Wisconsin union vote Sunday."
Stillwater Newspress 24 August 2009. Pages A1 and A3.
- 23 August 2009
Mercury Says Manufacturing Operations Will Leave FDL in 2 to 3 years -
Union workers overwhelmingly rejected Mercury's proposal to reduce labor costs in FDL in
today's vote. Mercury said it will continue to operate the plant under the existing contract
till it expires in 2012. Mercury will consolidate much of its FDL manufacturing operations
to Stillwater OK with full consolidation expected to take 24 to 36 months. Fond du Lac Reporter
23 August 2009.
- 22 August 2009 "Union Vote Could Decide Fond du Lac's Fate" reports the union vote on Sunday could have a tremendous
impact on the future of Fond du Lac. Stillwater Newspress 22 August 2009. Pages A1 and A3.
- 21 August 2009 "Mercury Prepares for Union Vote" reports Mark Schwabero, president of Mercury Marine, stating,
"If the union votes to accept the proposal from Mercury on Sunday, existing jobs wil remain in Fond du Lac and operations
in Stillwater and elsewhere will be reduced." Stillwater Newspress 21 August 2009. Page A1 and A5.
- 21 August 2009 "Union Vote Could Make Company's Decision" reports Larry Brown, Stillwater Chamber of Commerce President,
saying all things being equal, the union vote on Sunday could be the determining factor in the future of Mercury Marine
in Stillwater. A Facebook community has been formed to try to keep Mercury in Stillwater. Stillwater Newspress 21 August 2009.
Page A5.
- 20 August 2009 "Chamber's Third Friday Forum on MerCruiser for Members Only" reports the chamber will host a
forum for members only (due to intense interest they fear they would not be able to seat all those interested) to
discuss updates in the situation surrounding MerCruiser, but no confidential information surrounding an incentives
package will be released. Stillwater Newpress 20 August 2009. Page A1.
- 12 August 2009 "Merc Union Talks to Wrap Up Monday" reports negotiations with the union in FDL are expected to
conclude Monday. If an agreement is reached, they anticipate a vote on ratification of the labor contract about
two weeks later. Mercury continues to look at possible consolidation of the two sites to either location. Stillwater
Newspress 12 August 2009. Page A1 and A3.
- 23 July 2009 Mercury Marine announced a special
Charting Our Course web site covering their consolidation plans.
A similar "employees only" version is available from BC One. In addition to
providing current information and news coverage, questions can be submitted
through the sites. 23 July 2009 IBI News.
- 18 July 2009 Mercury Prepares for Union Talks - Mark Schwabero, President of Mercury Marine, spent Friday (17th)
meeting with MerCruiser employees and Stillwater Chamber of Commerce representatives. Monday he will be visiting
with union representatives in FDL seeking concessions. Mercury's FDL plant employs 2,000 workers with an annual payroll
of $175 million and a worker paid state tax of $9 million. MerCruiser has 376 nonunion workers with a payroll
of $45 million and a worker paid state tax of $2.5 million. Stillwater NewsPress. 18 July 2009. Pgs. 1-2.
- 16 July 2009 MerCruiser: Summer Decision Likely - Mark Schwabero, President of Mercury Marine, will be here
Thursday and Friday (today and tomorrow) to meet with key players as part of negotiations to determine the fate
of MerCruiser in Stillwater and Mercury Marine in FDL. A representative said Schwabero hoped to reach a decision
by the end of the summer. MerCruiser is currently producing about 60 engines per day and will be on shutdown
next week. Within the first 13 weeks of the year, operations were down for 7 weeks. Shwabero said, "Our purpose is
not to pit a state against a state." Stillwater NewsPress 16 July 2009. Pgs. 1 and 3.
- 15 July 2009 MerCruiser's Future in Spotlight. Oklahoma and Wisconsin officials are both negotiating
with Mercury to maintain their respective plant and to have the other site moved to their location. Mercruiser
currently employees about 400 (down from 1,400 earlier) and FDL employees about 1,900 (down from 3,000).
Stillwater News Press. 15 July 2009. Pages 1 and 3.
Mercury Marine Prepares for New Realities - a guest column in the Stillwater NewsPress on Page 4 of the same date
(15 July 2009) by Mark Schwabero, President of Mercury Marine, says the U.S. and global downturn has drastically
cut demand for marine products. Mercury Marine is analyzing many options to make sure they emerge a stronger
enterprise and are meeting with state and local officials in Oklahoma and Wisconsin as part of that process.
- 23 June 2009 Stillwater trying to encourage MerCruiser relocation - Stillwater officials continue to
negotiate with Mercury on possibly doubling their previous employment here. Several involved would not comment.
Stillwater Newspress. 23 June 2009.
Sounds like local officials may not be aware Mercury is looking at consolidating at one site OR the other.
Loss of MerCruiser would be very hard on this community, especially at this time. Stillwater site is non union
and recent Senate Bill 929 showed the willingness to work with them. Brunswick is obviously trying to get
Wisconsin to ante up an offer to stay there, including possibly moving MerCruiser there.
- 22 June 2009 Mercury MerCruiser plant may move to Stillwater - Stillwater representatives have been
meeting with Kevin Grodzki, President of Mercury MerCruiser Marketing, Sales, and Commerical Operations
in Fon-du-lac discussing a package to move the plant to Stillwater. Stillwater Newspress. 22 June 2009.
Page 1.
At first it sounds like they are talking about bringing back some of the operations moved north several
years ago, but the Fon-du-lac reporter says they are talking about consolidating stern drive and outboard
operations at one site or the other in
Rumors Tough on Mercury Workers
21 June 2009.

- 2 July 2009 Mercury Marine is closing its Motor Guide business in Tulsa and will move it to Brunswick's
Attwood plant in Lowell Michigan. The Tulsa site had 61 employees, some of which will be offered employment at the
new location. Stillwater NewsPress. 2 July 2009.
- 16 June 2009 "Employees Sue MerCruiser Over Bonuses" Nine Mercruiser employees file against Mercury
MerCruiser on Thursday claiming they failed to to pay bonuses after employees reached certain production
requirements. Stillwater Newspress. 16 June 2009. Page 1.
- 10 June 2009 "Mercruiser Reps Gratefull" Mercruiser and Mercury Marine representatives
are grateful for Senate Bill 929 reducing their liability for $1.2 million in penalties and interest over the
next 5 years for payments they received from the Oklahoma Quality Jobs program after employment levels falling
below certain levels due to the poor economy. Stillwater Newspress. 16 June 2009. Page 1.
- 9 June 2009 Oklahoma Signs MerCruiser bill into Law - Oklahoma Senate Bill 929 removes penalties
and interest due from MerCruiser for payments received from the Oklahoma Quality Jobs program. MerCruiser received
State funds for adding jobs, but those positions were closed during the current economic downturn. As a result
Mercury owed the funds, interest, and penalties back to the state. The penalties and interest (about $1.2 million
over the next 5 years) has been forgiven. Stillwater Newspress. 9 June 2009. Page 1.
- 9 April 2009 MerCruiser confirmed it laid off about 135 workers (120 production employees plus 15 salaried
employees) dropping its workforce to about 400 (200 hourly and 200 salaried) effective Friday 10 April. In December
2005, MerCruiser was Stillwater's largest private employer with a workforce of 1,050. This is the fourth of a series
of layoffs at the local plant that began last August. Stillwater News Press. 9 April 2009. Pages A1 and A5.
- 27 May 2009 "Bill Helps MerCruiser" reports Oklahoma's governor may soon sign Senate Bill 929 which forgives
MerCruiser from having to pay back certain payments and penalties from receiving funds from Oklahoma Quality
Jobs for job creation, but not maintaining those jobs for the promised period due to the poor economy. This article
also places current volumes at a little over 11,000 stern drives a year, vastly down from 85,000 units in the past.
Stillwater NewPress 27 May 2009. Pages A1 and A3.
- 18 Feb 2009 Mercury Marine confirmed reports it laid off 85 workers and started a two week shutdown in
Fond du Lac. Those laid off were in sales, marketing, and manufacturing. Four plants will be shut down for
two weeks. Mercury had previously shutdown production in January. ibinews 18 Feb 2009.
- 11 Jan 2009 MerCruiser Sells Land to Stillwater Chamber of Commerce - Today's Stillwater Newspress
reports Mercruiser sold 122 acres (some north and some south of the Stillwater plant) to the Stillwater
Industrial Foundation, an arm of the Stillwater Chamber of Commerce. MerCruiser plant manager, David
Rowland, said sale of the land will promote future development of Stillwater and the funds ($875,000) will
help Brunswick, MerCruiser's parent company, during the economic downturn. A handshake deal will allow
MerCruiser to buy back some of the land if it is not already developed at some future date if they
need it. The plant can still expand to the east.
Not mentioned in the paper, the portion to the north was in the news several years ago when MerCruiser
announced developing it as sports fields for community use. That project never came to pass.
- 7 January 2009 MerCruiser Lays Off About 70 - Todays Stillwater NewsPress reports MerCruiser laid off about
70 employees December 31st per MerCruiser's director of Human Services, Jamie Payne. This follows 130 in June and
68 in August. Payne said the plant is now down to about 550 employees. She also said, "There are no plans in place to
close the plant. We are one of the largest manufacturing facilities for Mercury Marine and one of the most
economical facilities they own. There are currently no plans to shut this facility down." She also said the
company has no plans for further reductions. The NewsPress reports "attempts to reach three spokespeople with
Mercury Marine and Brunswick through phone calls and email on Tuesday were not successful." Stillwater Newspress.
7 Jan 2009. Page 1.
- 6 Jan 2009 Brunswick Shutting Down Sea Ray Plant. This morning Brunswick announced it would "mothball" Sea Rays
Riverview plant near Knoxville TN. About 300 production and support positions would be lost. Brunswick said
it would transfer as many as possible to other nearby plants. Riverviews production will be moved to existing plants
in Knoxville and Vonore TN. Brunswick also announced they would be cutting up to 275 more Sea Ray positions by
the end of the week. Sea Ray manufacturing facilities in TN and FL will be shutting down a week each month
through June. Riverview makes the 15th North American Brunswick plant shut or mothballed since 2006. Soundings Trade Only
6 Jan 2009.
- 6 Jan 2008 Brunswick sells Albemarle Boats. Scott McLaughlin, a North Carolina businessman, purchased Albemarle from
Brunswick for an undisclosed amount. He told Raleigh News Observer there were "definitely two commas in the equation",
meaning it was in excess of 1 million dollars. IBI News 6 Jan 2009.
- 17 Dec 2008 Brunswick SEC Filing Reports Accounting Irregularity. A problem in valuing allowances against deferred
tax assets, primarily pension related, has resulted in the need for them to re-file their 3rd Quarter SEC 10Q and an additional
non-cash income tax charge of about $110 million to $135 million.
- 12 Dec 2008 Pending failure of of one or more of the U.S. Big 3 automotive companies barring a successful government
bailout program could leave Brunswick and the rest of the boating industry high and dry without GM engines to marinize for
stern drives and inboards. Even if GM were successfully bailed out, or successfully recovered from bankruptcy, new leadership
(like a Car Zar) might force them to focus on the automotive market and to drop smaller segments, like the boating industry.
Whether GM makes it or not, many automotive component suppliers whose parts currently wind up on marinized GM engines may not.
At least this will take long enough to play out it hopefully wont turn out like Christmas 2000 at OMC. We especially hope for
the best for MerCruiser, a major employer in our community. RBBI 12 Dec 2008.
- 11 Dec 2008 Mercury Marine to Layoff 160 Workers - Mercury plans to reduce hourly staff by 160 in Fond du Lac by the end of January
2009 per a Brunswick email published partially by IBInews 11 Dec 2008.
- 20 Nov 2008 BC Stock Now Trading in the Ones - I checked this afternoon and found Brunswick trading at $1.97/share with a capitalization
of $172 million. RBBI.com
- 13 Nov 2008 Brunswick to Close Cumberland Md., Boat Plant - Brunswick will transfer Trophy offshore fishing boat production from
Cumberland MD to another facility at Ashland City TN. The move will eliminate approximately 155 production and support jobs. Brunswick
Press Release. 13 Nov 2008.
- 13 November 2008 Brunswick stock is now trading below $2.50. Its obvious this cannot go on for long without major changes
being announced. $2.41/share gives them a market capitalization of about $211 million (it actually fell four million dollars while I
was writing this paragraph). CEO Dustin McCoy recently commented he had $342.9 million in cash on hand to help keep things going.
If someone had a credit card with a $211 million dollar limit and they were able to buy up all the shares at current values ($211 million)
they could take $211 million off Mr. McCoy's desk to retire their credit card debt, close the place, try to dump the health plans,
retirement plans, and golden parachutes. Then wait till the economy picks up a bit, sell the inventory, land, equipment, buildings,
and intellectual property, pay off any remaining BC bills, and make off like a bandit. As BC stock continues to fall a group of
current and/or past BC executives may be able to come up with that much cash. If not, somebody else will. If a new buyer does not
want to close it, it could be turned into a much smaller, more profitable service parts operation. The stock market is valuing BC as
the revenue stream it creates (currently generating large losses and anticipated not to generate strong positive revenue streams for
at least a couple years). Hostile takeover slash and burn folks see BC as a pile of stuff worth much more than their current revenue
stream. If the stock market doesnt change to at least recognize their "pile of stuff" BC may soon not be an ongoing concern as we
know it. Just shredding up all the buildings, metal, inventory, and other stuff might have generated these kinds of funds on the scrap
metal market a few months ago. I see the market capitalization just dropped another $2 million. RBBI.com.
- 12 November 2008 Brunswick Billiards President and BCA Board Chair Exits - Sean Cummings announced he will leave as president of
Brunswick Billiards in two days (effective Nov. 14). He says he is leaving to become part of an industrial products company located
near his home.
- 6 November 2008 Brunswick named Mark Schwabero as President of Mercury Marine. Mr. Schwabero was most recently in charge of
the outboard unit per a 6 Nov. 2008 Brunswick press release. RBBI.com note - recall Patrick Mackey's retirement from President of
Mercury Marine was announced 22 Jan 2008 as effective March 1st, 2008. BC stock is currently trading in the low three dollar
- 21 October 2008 Brunswick Stock price - we do not normally follow or comment much on Brunswick stock price, but yesterday
(Oct 20) it dropped below $4 per share. This is dismal for Brunswick. Their one year high was $22.85/share and the stock was flirting
with $50 a share in late 2004 / early 2005. The most recent drop was preceded by Moody's cutting BCs debt ratings to junk status.
The low on Monday 20 Oct was a 25 year low for BC stock price. It doesnt take a lot of insight to be expecting some major changes
at Brunswick.
- 9 Oct 2008 Brunswick Accelerates Resizing and Fixed Cost Reduction Efforts - Brunswick previously announced the closing
of four boat manufacturing facilities in early 2009. Those closures will now take place earlier. Three will be permanently
closed (Pipestone MN, Roseburg OR, and Arlington WA). One will be mothballed (Navassa NC). These closures will eliminate
approximately 1450 hourly and salaried employees. Production from these sites will be transferred to other Brunswick facilities.
Brunswick additionally announced the temporary shutdown of three boat manufacturing facilities near Knoxville TN beginning
October 27th and continuing through the end of 2008. They also announced a $496 million pre-tax write off of goodwill against
certain boat brands. Brunswick press release. 9 Oct. 2008.
- 6 October 2008 Brunswick sold MotoTron, it software and electronic control systems development firm, to Woodward Governor.
MotoTron had about 80 employees and 2008 sales of about 17 million U.S. dollars. Terms of sale were not announced per the
6 October 2008 coverage in ibinews.
- 30 August 2008 Stillwater NewsPress cover story titled, "MerCruiser Cuts 68 Jobs", reports a press release from Mercury
Marine's director of communications in Fon du lac Wisconsin cites "higher fuel prices, falling home values and escalating
living expenses" which reduce the ability of consumers to purchase discretionary products as reasons for the layoffs. Friday's
announcement followed 130 hourly job cuts announced at the end of June. MerCruiser has also laid off 10 salaried employees
since April. The Newspress was not sure whether the 68 layoffs announced in the press release were in addition to those announced
earlier or not. The current press release says, "In light of the decline in retail boat sales, MerCruiser is realigning its
workforce and reducing engine production levels to meet demand."
- 28 July 2008 Mercury Marine announced cutting 60 salary jobs mostly in Fond du Lac and Stillwater. This cut was part of the
previously announced 1,700 jobs to be cut. They also announced shutting down the Fon du Lac plant this week to reduced inventory,
plus the next two weeks for housekeeeping, cleaning, and necessary changes. Plus they will be closing for a week in December.
The spokesman said the two week August shutdown and the Christmas shutdown are done every year and noted they are providing
"generous" separation packages and outplacement services for the 60 people whose jobs were cut. ibi news. 29 July 2008.
(RBBI comment - in late June they announced cutting 1,000 jobs and possibly 1,700 more. Now they are saying the second 1,700
is in progress?)
- 7 July 2008 Stillwater Newspress cover story reports the director of communications for Mercury Marine in Fond du Lac has responded to an
inquiry from the Newspress and says the MerCruiser plant in Stillwater is not one of the four plants to be closed. Locally, The
Director of Human Resources for MerCruiser and MotorGuide reported to the Newspress that 27 employees were lost due to attrition,
27 temps were cut, 19 left though voluntary separation offers made to 100 workers, 8 left in voluntary layoffs, and
54 were cut by involuntary layoffs. Before the June cuts, Stillwater had about 575 hourly employees and less than 200 salaried
employees. The layoffs will push the hourly employees to about 445. The voluntary retirement offer was said to have been a
cash payment that Human Resources would not specify to the Newspress. "Plant Will Stay Open". Stillwater Newspress. 7 July 2008.
Page 1.
- 27 June 2008 Stillwater NewsPress reports Brunswick officials would not accept its question asking
about possible closure of the MerCruiser plant during yesterdays Brunswick conference call announcing closure
of four plants. Stillwater Newspress also said Brunswick's Director of Media Relations and Corporate Communications
Director did not respond to a phone message and an email seeking comment. Mercury Marine's Director for Communications
at Fon du Lac also did not respond to phone or email messages asking if the Stillwater plant was targeted for
closure. Stillwater NewsPress. 27 June 2008. Page 1 and Page 6.
- 26 June 2008 Brunswick announce cutting 1,000 jobs now, reducing operating boat plants from 29 at end of
2007 to 17 by the end of 2008, and another 1,700 possible job cuts in response to the downturn in the U.S.
market in a 26 June 2008 press release.
We (RBBI) notice Brunswick's corporate web server is unable to take the traffic this morning
- 26 June 2008 MerCruiser to Cut 135. Stillwater Newspress 12 June 2008 reports 130 hourly and 5 salaried
positions will be cut. Mercury's director of communications in Fon du Lac said 75 of those positions were addressed
by attrition, temps, or a voluntary retirement package. 55 will be involuntary separations. The last work day for
all those employees will be tomorrow. Additionally, 5 salaried employees will be terminated at the end of July.
Mercury Marine Human Resources in Fon du Lac and the MerCruiser Personnel Dept in Stillwater did not respond
to inquiries from the Stillwater Newspress.
- 17 June 2008 1400 employees furloughed for July at three Sea Ray plants in East Tennessee due to weak demand per
AP news
17 June 2008.
- 9 June 2008 Mercury settles die cast allegation with EPA for $25,000 fine per
AP news
9 June 2008.
- NOTE- Daniel Kubera of Brunswick called us 2 Sept 2008 and told us they are NOT closing Cabo Yachts and that
we misinterpreted the AP story following that cites him. Cabo Yachts will remain open. We apologize for our error
and appreciate him calling it to our attention.
- 28 May 2008 Brunswick cut employees at Cabo Yachts laying off 175 due to prolonged downturn per
AP news. Brunswick purchased Cabo Yachts in 2006.
- 21 March 2008 Brunswick announced the closing of its Baja boat building operation and sales of its assets
to Fountain.
- 21 March 2008 last week Brunswick announced closing of its "Bluewater Marine Brands" including Sea Pro,
Sea Boss, Palmetto, and Laguna with the 2009 model year which starts this July 1st.
- 28 Feb 2008 Mercury Marine shutdown all manufacturing operations in Fond du Lac (except propellers), for
a week beginning Monday 25 Feb. due to rising inventories. See Soundings Trade Only Online. 28 Feb 2008.
- 22 Jan 2008 Brunswick announced the retirement of Patrick C. Mackey as President of Mercury Marine
effective March 1st.
- 12 Oct 2007 MerCruiser's Axius stern drive recieved the Boat Writers International Innovation Award
for Inboard Drives at IBEX this morning for its twin Bravo III stern drives that steer together without
the use of a tie bar (SmartCraft Joystick Docking technology).
- 11 Oct 2007 David Foulkes named VP of Research and Development at Mercury Marine. Formerly from Ford
European operations.
- 14 Sept 2007 Brunswick completes purchase of 100 percent of Rayglass, New Zealand's largest boat builder.
- 1 August 2007 Lost Patent Verdict Impacts Brunswick's Second Quarter Earnings. IBI Magazine. 1 August 2007. A jury
trial awarded Electromotive about $3 million in damages in a patent infringement claim against Mercury Marine
for engine timing and the firing of cylinders.
- 26 July 2007 Mercruiser Employee Injured During Work. Stillwater Newspress. 26 July 2007. A male employee with
24 years of service was injured in the engine test cell area. Stillwater Police & Fire Depts were dispatched
at 8:20 am. The man was flown by helicopter to St. Johns Hospital in Tulsa. He had been "struck by an object
which resulted in a laceration to the upper right side of his head."
- 14 May 2007 letter from Brunswick to the Carbon Disclosure Project states Brunswick is unable to participate
in the project for 2007.
- 22 Feb 2007 Brunswick announced the sale of its Brunswick New Technology Portable Navigation Device (PND)
operations (NAVMAN) to MiTAC International Corporation. After its April announcement to sell most of its
BNT unit, Navico International recently agreed to buy the marine electronics brands (MX Marine, Northstar, and
marine portions of NAVMAN). BC is still looking for a buyer for NAVMAN's fleet management operations.
Brunswick Press Release PR Newswire 22 Feb 2007.
- 23 Jan 2007 Mercury MerCruiser announced a new 100HP stern drive called Vazer to be built in Stillwater.
Its a 1.6L GM Vortec SOHC-4 with a compact stern drive. Production is scheduled to begin in March in Stillwater per I
BI news.
- 28 April 2006 Brunswick purchased Diversified Marine Products a major west coast marine distributor based
in Los Angeles with 2,000 customers in 10 states and 200 suppliers. Brunswick now has 17 marine wholesale
distributors across the U.S. per IBI news.
- 27 April 2006 Brunswick announced proposed sale of Brunswick New Technologies (BNT). They expect to sell
Navman, NorthStar and MX Marine brands, but retain MotoTron and Integrated Data Systems per IBI news. Other press
releases report Merrill Lynch has been hired as financial advisor for the sale and Brunswick CEO saying as
Brunswick focuses on its core segments (marine, fitness, bowling and billiards) they have decided continuing to
invest in BNT to fuel its growth would not be consistent with BC long term objectives. He says they believe BNT's
long term objectives may be better achieved under different ownership.
- April 2006 Brunswick releases branded credit cards. "Will That Be Visa, MasterCard, or Brunswick?" article in Soundings Trade Only April 2006 page 20 details the program. The cards are basically only good for Brunswick products (exceptions vary by brand).
- 14 Feb 2006 Brunswick Corp. and MarineMax have jointly acquired The Great American Marine, a 95 slip marina and service
facility located near St. Petersburg, Florida. MarineMax will own and operate the service portion of the property while
Brunswick will own the 95-slip marina. Though Brunswick also owns a marina in China, this is the first venture of its
kind in the US. per ibinews 14 Feb 2006.
- 7 Dec 2005 Dustin McCoy Elected Chairman and CEO of Brunswick. George Buckley resigned to head 3M, McCoy moved over
from heading the Brunswick Boat Group since 2000. Brunswick Press Release.
- 19-23 Sep 2005 Production at MerCruiser will be shut down this week due to decreased demand (probably partially attributable to high fuel costs).
- 16 Sep 2005 Brunswick acquired Harris-Kayot fiberglass deckboats, pontoons, and runabouts. Harris-Kayot based in Fort Wayne IN was acquired on 5 June 2005 by Bently Industries, then resold to Brunswick today. Harris-Kayot employs about 175 people with annual sales of about $35 in 2004. The sale was reported in a Bruswick press release, by Soundings Trade Only and by IBI news.
- 14 Sep 2005 Irwin Jacobs of Genmar accused Brunswick / Mercury Marine of Predatory Pricing of Stern Drives in a three page letter to U.S. Independent Boatbuilders and Dealers. He says Brunswick is providing large rebates to "targeted" dealers if they order Mercruiser powered boats from Independent builders. The letter was reported by Soundings Trade Only and IBI news.
- 11 July 2005 Brunswick acquired Kellogg Marine, leading distributor of marine parts and accessories in the Northeast.
- 21 June 2005 Brunswick acquired the Portuguese company Supra-Industrial Textil, Lda., manufacturer of Valiant RIBs.
- 31 May 2005 Brunswick acquired Triton Boat Company with factories in Aberdeen MS and Ashland City TN employing about 600 people. Best known for their bass boats, Triton manufacturers 12 to 35 foot boats with annual sales of approximately $156 million in 2004.
- 13 May 2005 The University of Oregon Investment Group posted a nice analysis of Brunswick.
- 2 March 2005 Brunswick acquired Albemarle Boats. They will complement Brunswick's Hatteras operation targeting offshore sport fishing boats. Albemarle has 135 employees, was founded in 1978 and produces offshore sportfishing boats from 24 to 90 feet. Albemarle will remain in Edenton North Carolina, and become part of the Hatteras Group.
- 17 Feb 2005 Outboard Motors from Japan - 180 page report released on the Yamaha - Mercury outboard dumping case by the U.S. International Trade Commission. Investigation No. 731-TA-1069.
- 2 Feb 2005 Yamaha won the outboard dumping case brought by Mercury. Brunswick and Yamaha then settled the pricing and availability case brought forward after the dumping case was filed.
- 25 Jan 2005 - Brunswick Granted Approval to Purchase Benrock (marine distributor) by US Bankruptcy Court, Eastern Division of Arkansas, Little Rock Division. Soundings Trade Only online news 25 Jan 2005.
- 3 Jan 2005- Brunswick Acquired Sea Pro Boats and Sea Boss Boats of Newberry South Carolina for $51 million, plus $4 million more if they meet 2005 objectives per IBI News 3 Jan 2005. In a related story, Bombardier Recreational Products stated they will cease supplying engines for those brands (and Palmetto) per a Boating Industry story dated 6 Jan 2005.
- Preliminary Outboard Dumping Ruling Favors Brunswick Brunswick Press Release 6 Aug. 2004.
- Mercury Marine introduced their "Project X" drive, now called Verado, at the Miami boat show today.
It is a 2.6L supercharged inline 6 cylinder outboard. 12 Feb 2004.
- 9 Jan 2004 - Mercury Files Outboard Dumping Claim Against Yamaha with the U.S. International Trade Commission.
- Brunswick Acquires Attwood Boat Parts & Accessories. Brunswick Press Release. 2 Sep. 2003.
- Brunswick Acquires Land 'N' Sea. Brunswick Press Release. 23 June 2003.
- Brunswick purchased Northstar Technologies, Inc., a leading marine navigational electronics firm. Brunswick Press Release. 16 Dec. 2002. NorthStar
- Brunswick loses Sprietsma v. Mercury Marine propeller guard case in U.S. Supreme Court. RBBI. 3 Dec 2002.
- Cummins and Mercury announce engine and stern drive joint venture.
14 Feb. 2002. Cummins Press Release.
- Mercury Marine announced a new salt water operations facility in Miramar FL. to address U.S. and global
salt water boating markets. 26 Oct. 2001. Press Release.
- Brunswick announced the purchase of Hatteras Yachts from Genmar 24 Oct. 2001. RBBI /Mr. Wizard.
- Mercury MerCruiser Racing shows new integrated transom system.
8 August 2001 press release.
- Bruswick to buy UK's Sealine International.
Boating Industry International. 7 June 2001. Reports Brunswick's intent to purchase Sealine Interational, a UK sport cruiser
and yacht builder.
- Brunswick under FTC investigation.
Boating Industry International. 13 Mar 2001. Reports the FTC informed the Securities and Exchange Commission
in February they were investigating the possibility Brunswick's bids in the OMC auction violated antitrust laws.
Plus the Florida Dept of Environmental Protection is investigating alleged improper disposal of hazardous materials
at Merrit Island.
- Brunswick slips quietly into Princecraft.
Boating Industry International. Mar 9, 2001. Reports Brunswick's recent purchase of Princecraft during the OMC bankruptcy
was not anticipated by the Canadian lawyer handling the sale till the deal was closed.
- Brunswick closing 4 boat plants. Boating Industry
International article. 25 Jan 2001 reports closing 4 boat plants in effort to decrease inventories. This occurred during the
OMC bankruptcy proceedings.
- MerCruiser celebrates building 2.5 millionth stern drive 4 Dec. 2000 Press Release
U.S. Supreme Court Refuses to Hear Brunswick Antitrust Case 6 Nov. 2000 Press Release.
Mackey Named President of Mercury Marine. 2 Oct 2000 Press Release.
Buckley named CEO and Chairman of the Board, Divesting Fishing, Camping, Bike units. 27 June 2000.
Buckley named BC President and COO 8 May 2000 Pres release
Stern Drive Anti-Trust Suit 1997-1999
Brunswick becomes a "Classic Case" in new FTC web site Anti-Trust Discussion
Mercury Brand Name Press Release / Force Discontinued
Dec. 1998
MercuryCare Press Release An Owner Services Progam
Dec. 1998
Mercury Marine Exhibit
at IMTEC98
October 1,2,3 1998
Brunswick Cuts 750 Jobs
Oct 1, 1998.
9 Million Share Block Sold
Dow Jones News Service 18 Sept 1998.
Stock Market Jitters - What does it mean for the boating industry?
RBBI 1 Sept 1998. Brunswick is covered in the Specific Stocks section.
Mercury Marine acquires MCA
Press Release 17 August 1998.
Recognizing and Dealing With Vendetta in rec.boats Brunswick
and their boats at Disney World were under attack by a poster in rec.boats in early August 1998. Story was posted by
RBBI 14 Aug 1998.
Mr. Wizard predicts "What's Next for Brunswick"
RBBI 5 Aug 1998.
Mercury Marine Inks 6 Year Deal with Orbital Engines
Orbital Engine press release 2 July 1998.
John Russell Named President of US Marine
2 July 1998 Press Release
MerCruiser Speaks Out on GM Strike Page
RBBI June/July 1998
Brunswick Buys Parabody Exercise Equipment Business
2 Feb. 1998
Brunswick Announces Acquisition of Hammer Strength Equipment Also includes some comments about BC recent acquisition strategy. 13 November 1997.
MerCruiser Christens Horizon Engine at IMTEC97
25 Sept. 1997
David Jones Named President and CEO of OMC at IMTEC 25 September 1997
Brunswick Pulls Plug on Mercury Marine PWC Project
5 Sept. 1997.
Brunswick Taps New Mercury Marine President
19 August 1997
Mercury Marine Establishes Web Site 24 June 1997 Report and Review of the Site by RBBI
"Brunswick's Latest Acquisition (Life Fitness / Lifecycle) Faces FTC Advertising Problems" . Wall Street Journal 18 June 1997 Pages B1 and B8.
Brunswick Acquires Life Fitness for $310 Million 4 June 1997 - Brunswick acquired the maker of Lifecycles in its biggest purchase yet in the recent "active recreation" acquisition binge.
"Brunswick Wades into New Waters" Business Week 2 June 1997. pages 67and 70. Article is an interview with CEO Peter N. Larson discussing recent acquisitions by Brunswick. It has an insert discussing recent problems at OMC.
Before we created this Brunswick page, we covered many Brunswick events in our Industry News Section.
