Brunswick IBBBI Trial Docket Page 5

Brunswick IBBI Trial Docket
Page 5

This page is operated by RBBI and is NOT an official Brunswick page.

This page contains Docket Pages 132-137 and covers Apr. 13, 1998 to April 30, 1998.

Now UPDATED thru June 18th

Brunswick lost the case June 19, 1998. See our trial page for details.

Note! You can use "FIND" on Netscape browsers to search the text for specific companies or individuals.
Some items we thought were highlights were:
04/13/98 Judge agreed to exclude evidence former BC employee 
disclosed confidential IBBI info. Judge denied motion to exclude 
"so called price discrimination." Judge denied motion to limit
Robert E. Hall's testimony (pltfs economic expert witness.)
Judge granted in part to exclude evidence relating only to
boat and outboard sales.

04/13/98 Summary judgement granted on outboard engine market.
It was dismissed and will not be considered.
04/20/98 Discuss relevance of "price cap protection."
04/20/98 BC objects to the introduction of evidence that the pltf
expert economic witness (Dr. Hall) has been nominated for the
Nobel Prize. BC also objects to comparison of their situation with
ongoing Microsoft litigation.
NOTE- kind of low blow, not to be able to say you've been
nominated for the Nobel Prize.

04/20/98 BC objects to certain pltf exhibits.
NOTE- Probably to most of them :)

04/21/98 Volvo (not directly involved in case) moves to 
preserve confidentiality of their documents. It was granted
the next day.
04/22/98 John Russell turns up.
NOTE - I wonder if anybody knows where John Reilly is?
(BC's very short term CEO from 1993/1994?

04/27/98 Response by BC on certain evidence being 
"blacked out."
NOTE- anybody remember the Nixon tapes?

04/29/98 Ruling on objection to John Charvat deposition
NOTE- He used to man the BC office in Tulsa.

05/04/98 Judge rules on objections to deposing James Hubbard (MM)
05/05/98 Judge rules on objections to deposing Jack Reichert 
(ex- Brunswick CEO) and Roger Patterson (ex-MM executive)


05/06/98 to 05/13/98 Judge rules on objections to deposing several 
Mercury Marine executives: Mike Gyorog, Bob Gowens (past head of
Mercruiser marketing dept), Barry Eller (Mercruiser plant manager), 
Kenneth Kaul, Peter Larson (CEO of BC), William McManaman,
Raymond Agner, Sharon Littlefield, Patrick Manion.

05/13/98 BC moves for judgement as a matter of law.


05/20/98 Ruling on objections to deposing Charlie Strang
(Mr. Strang is on the right in this RBBI IMTEC97 photo). Mr. Strang
is a major historical figure in the industry and worked for both Mercury
and OMC. He was also the inventor of the stern drive. I had the opportunity
to meet and visit with this fine gentleman at IMTEC 97.


05/28/98 Both sides to submit briefs on "issue of function of 
jury in determining the relevant product in this case by 6/2. 
Each side also to supply a proposed verdict form.

06/05/98 Dr. Warren-Boulton's transfer pricing analysis
06/08/98 BC is in opposition to pltfs motion and proposed
jury instruction regarding competitive practices of other firms.

06/08/98 BC trying to quash subpoena of Jack Reichert.
06/15/98 Several individual boat companies file motions for
judgment as a matter of law.
06/15/98 BC files motion for judgement as a matter of law.
06/15/98 BC dismisses counterclaims against certain plaintiffs
06/16/98 BC wants to keep 4 topics from being raised in final 

06/16/98 Jury received instructions from the court.

Docket as of April 30, 1998 7:05 pm               Page 132   

Proceedings include all events.                                   JURY
4:95cv781     Concord Boat Corp, et al v. Brunswick Corp          PROTO  DISC
4/13/98  1021    ORDER by Judge James M. Moody granting motion in limine to
                 exclude all evidence concerning The Mercury Marine MAP
                 System [838-1], granting motion in limine to exclude
                 evidence that former Brunswick employee disclosed
                 confidential independent boat builder info [840-1],
                 granting motion in limine re pltfs' confidential
                 information [850-1] denying motion in limine (dissemination
                 of confidential business information) [756-1] and denying
                 motion in limine to exclude evidence of so-called price
                 discrimination [844-1] (cc: all counsel) EOD 4/13/98 (kayp)

4/13/98  --      CLERK'S MINUTES: JURY TRIAL begins before Judge James M.
                 Moody. DAY 1. Ctrptr. Fant (sp)

4/13/98  1022    OBJECTIONS by pltfs to deft's supplement deposition
                 designations (kayp) [Entry date 04/14/98]

4/13/98  1023    ORDER by Judge James M. Moody denying motion for partial
                 summary judgment ruling that pltfs have properly defined
                 relevant marine engine markets in this case [689-1];
                 denying motion in limine to exclude evidence and testimony
                 concerning opinions and recommendations expressed by
                 McKinsey & Co [855-1]; denying motion in limine no. 1
                 granting motion in limine to exclude evidence or argument
                 relating to other antitrust litigation [830-1]; denying
                 motion in limine (inboard engines) [747-1]; denying in part
                 and granting in part motion limine to limit the testimony
                 of Robert E. Hall, pltfs' economics expert [859-1];
                 granting in part motion in limine to exclude from the jury
                 phase of the trial all evidence that relates only to pltfs'
                 claims concerning boats and outboard engines [824-1];
                 granting in part motion in limine no. 10 (use of pre-1990
                 info not produced to pltfs) [799-1]; granting motion in
                 limine no. 19 (use of info requested by pltfs but not
                 produced) [817-1]; granting in part motion in limine no. 13
                 (expert reliance on data received after date of last report
                 or offering opinions) [805-1]; granting motion in limine
                 no. 15 (pltfs' knowledge of damages) [809-1]; motion in
                 limine no. 20 (duplicative testimony) [819-1]; denying
                 motion in limine to preclude pltfs from confronting
                 witnesses with documents that those witnesses did not see
                 in the ordinary course of business [846-1]; conditionally
                 granting motion in limine no. 6 (collateral attack on
                 specific instances of conduct) [791-1]; and denying motion
                 in limine no. 9 as moot (post-lawsuit evidence) [797-1]
                 (cc: all counsel) (kayp) [Entry date 04/14/98]

4/13/98  1024    ORDER by Judge James M. Moody granting in part and denying
                 in part motion in limine no. 2 (business acumen) [783-1]
                 and granting in part and denying in part motion in limine
                 no. 4 (exclude passing on, pltfs' profitability and
                 antitrust injury) [787-1] (cc: all counsel) (kayp)
                 [Entry date 04/14/98]

Docket as of April 30, 1998 7:05 pm               Page 133   

Proceedings include all events.                                   JURY
4:95cv781     Concord Boat Corp, et al v. Brunswick Corp          PROTO  DISC
4/13/98  1025    ORDER by Judge James M. Moody ruling on remaining claims in
                 doc. nos. 669 and 666; finding that deft is entitled to
                 summary judgment on pltfs' claims for damages in the
                 outboard engine market and dismissing pltfs' claims for
                 damages in the outboard engine market (cc: all counsel)
                 (kayp) [Entry date 04/14/98]

4/14/98  1026    NOTICE by pltfs of filing memorandum of law regarding
                 admission of relevant evidence (kayp)

4/14/98  --      CLERK'S MINUTES: JURY trial continues. DAY 2. Ctrptr. Fant,
                 Merkel, Power. (sp) [Entry date 04/16/98]

4/15/98  1027    MEMORANDUM by plaintiffs regarding the relevance of
                 evidence relating to the rationale for the alleged
                 black-out (UNDER SEAL) (bt)

4/15/98  1028    COURT REPORTER'S TRANSCRIPT of Daubert hearing before Judge
                 James M. Moody on 4/9/98 (1 volume) UNDER SEAL (bt)
                 [Edit date 04/16/98]

4/15/98  --      CLERK'S MINUTES: JURY TRIAL continues. DAY 3. Ctrptr. Fant,
                 Newbury, & Power (sp) [Entry date 04/16/98]

4/15/98  1029    ORDER by Judge James M. Moody ruling on the objections to
                 the deposition designations for Richard Jordan, Thomas
                 Weight and Ned Campana; the court has marked in the "court
                 comments" sections on the designations either "o" for
                 overruled or "s" for sustained (cc: all counsel) (kayp)
                 [Entry date 04/17/98]

4/16/98  --      CLERK'S MINUTES: JURY trial continues. DAY 4. Ctrptr. Fant,
                 Newburg & Power (sp)

4/16/98  1030    BRIEF filed by pltfs n support of presenting certain
                 deposition testimony in separate installments by subject
                 matter (kayp) [Entry date 04/17/98]

4/17/98  1031    MOTION in limine no. 24 by pltfs (FILED UNDER SEAL) (kayp)
                 [Entry date 04/20/98]

4/17/98  1032    MEMORANDUM by pltfs in support of motion in limine no. 24
                 [1031-1] FILED UNDER SEAL (kayp) [Entry date 04/20/98]

4/17/98  --      CLERK'S MINUTES: HEARING on motions continues before Judge
                 James. M. Moody. Ctrptr. Newburg (sp) [Entry date 04/20/98]

4/17/98  1035    BRIEF by Brunswick Corp in response to pltfs' brief in
                 support of presenting certain deposition testimony in
                 separate installments by subject matter [1030-1]  (kayp)
                 [Entry date 04/20/98]

4/20/98  1033    RESPONSE by pltfs to deft's response to pltfs' proposed
                 jury instruction 15A (FILED UNDER SEAL)  (kayp)

Docket as of April 30, 1998 7:05 pm               Page 134   

Proceedings include all events.                                   JURY
4:95cv781     Concord Boat Corp, et al v. Brunswick Corp          PROTO  DISC

4/20/98  1034    CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by pltfs of response to deft's
                 response to pltfs' proposed jury instruction 15A (kayp)

4/20/98  --      CLERK'S MINUTES: HEARING out of the presence of the jury to
                 resolve motions held before Judge James M. Moody. Ctrptr
                 Fant and Hinson (sp)

4/20/98  1036    MEMORANDUM by pltfs re jury questioning of witnesses (FILED
                 UNDER SEAL) (kayp) [Entry date 04/21/98]

4/20/98  1037    CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by pltfs of memorandum re jury's
                 questioning of witnesses [1036-1] (kayp)
                 [Entry date 04/21/98]

4/20/98  1038    RESPONSE by pltfs to deft's response to pltfs' proposed
                 jury instruction 15A [1033-1] (FILED UNDER SEAL)  (kayp)
                 [Entry date 04/21/98]

4/20/98  1039    MOTION by pltfs in limine no. 25 (FILED UNDER SEAL) (kayp)
                 [Entry date 04/21/98] [Edit date 04/21/98]

4/20/98  1040    MEMORANDUM by pltfs in support of motion in limine no. 25 re
                 the relevance of the price cap protections contained in
                 contracts between the parties [1039-1] (FILED UNDER SEAL)
                 (kayp) [Entry date 04/21/98] [Edit date 04/22/98]

4/20/98  1041    CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by pltfs of motion in limine no. 25
                 and memorandum in support [1040-1] [1039-1] (kayp)
                 [Entry date 04/21/98]

4/20/98  1042    MEMORANDUM by Brunswick Corp in opposition to motion in
                 limine no. 24 to reconsider the court's rulings with
                 respect to conduct in the outboard engine market [1031-1]
                 (kayp) [Entry date 04/21/98]

4/20/98  1043    OBJECTIONS by Brunswick Corp to the introduction of
                 evidence re Dr. Hall's nomination for the Nobel Prize for
                 Economics and comparisons of the allegations to those in
                 the Microsoft litigation (kayp) [Entry date 04/21/98]

4/20/98  1044    NOTICE by plaintiff of filing trial designations (kayp)
                 [Entry date 04/21/98]

4/20/98  1045    ORDER by Judge James M. Moody overruling deft's objections
                 to pltfs' exhibits 47, 56, 70 and 337; overruling deft's
                 objections to trial exhibits 64, 91 and 916; and sustained
                 deft's objections to exhibits 118 and 338 (cc: all counsel)
                 (kayp) [Entry date 04/21/98]

4/20/98  1046    ORDER by Judge James M. Moody granting permission to pltfs
                 to present certain deposition testimony in separate
                 installments by subject matter subject to pre-notification
                 requirements (cc: all counsel) (kayp) [Entry date 04/21/98]

Docket as of April 30, 1998 7:05 pm               Page 135   

Proceedings include all events.                                   JURY
4:95cv781     Concord Boat Corp, et al v. Brunswick Corp          PROTO  DISC

4/20/98  1047    ORDER by Judge James M. Moody denying motion for
                 reconsideration of court's order denying pltfs' motion for
                 summary judgment on Count I of Brunswick's counterclaim
                 [988-1]; denying motion in limine no. 3 (evidence related
                 to Brunswick's counterclaim) [785-1]; granting motion for
                 reconsideration of order denying Brunswick's motion for
                 partial summary judgment on pltfs' claims for damages
                 incurred before 12/7/91 [993-1]; denying motion in limine
                 to preclude pltfs from raising fraudulent concealment at
                 trial [836-1]; finding the motion in limine (treble damages
                 and attorneys' fees) moot [745-1]; and denying motion to
                 quash pltfs' trial subpoenas [1006-1] (cc: all counsel)
                 (kayp) [Entry date 04/21/98]

4/20/98  1048    MEMORANDUM OF LAW by pltfs regarding th use of otherwise
                 inadmissible documents upon which an expert properly relied
                 (kayp) [Entry date 04/22/98]

4/20/98  1049    OBJECTIONS by Brunswick Corp to pltfs' trial exhibits
                 identified in the depositions of Richard Ashley, Ranjan
                 Lal, and John Russell (kayp) [Entry date 04/22/98]

4/20/98  1050    NOTICE by Brunswick Corp of filing deposition designations
                 (kayp) [Entry date 04/22/98]

4/20/98  1051    OBJECTIONS by Brunswick Corp to pltfs' trial exhibits (kayp)
                 [Entry date 04/22/98]

4/21/98  --      CLERK'S MINUTES: JURY TRIAL continues. DAY 5. Motion
                 hearing held after jury dismissed for day. Ctrptr. Fant,
                 Hinson, Power & Newburg (sp) [Entry date 04/22/98]

4/21/98  1052    ORDER by Judge James M. Moody ruling on the admissibility
                 of certain of pltfs' exhibits (cc: all counsel) (kayp)
                 [Entry date 04/22/98]

4/21/98  1053    MOTION of non-party Volvo Penta of the Americas to
                 preserve confidentiality of documents (kayp)
                 [Entry date 04/22/98]

4/21/98  1054    RESPONSE by Brunswick Corp to motion in limine no. 25
                 [1039-1] (kayp) [Entry date 04/22/98]

4/22/98  1055    ORDER by Judge James M. Moody granting Volvo Penta's motion
                 to preserve confidentiality of documents [1053-1] (cc: all
                 counsel) EOD 4/22/98 (kayp)

4/22/98  --      CLERK'S MINUTES: JURY TRIAL continues. DAY 6. Ctrptr. Fant,
                 Hinson, Power & Newburg (sp) [Entry date 04/23/98]

4/22/98  1056    NOTICE by pltfs of filing trial designations of Richard
                 Ashley (kayp) [Entry date 04/23/98]

Docket as of April 30, 1998 7:05 pm               Page 136   

Proceedings include all events.                                   JURY
4:95cv781     Concord Boat Corp, et al v. Brunswick Corp          PROTO  DISC
4/22/98  1057    NOTICE by pltfs of filing trial designations of John
                 Russell (kayp) [Entry date 04/23/98]

4/22/98  1058    ORDER by Judge James M. Moody directing pltfs to submit any
                 supplemental materials re motion in limine no. 24 by 5:00
                 p.m. on 4/24/98; deft shall submit any response by 12:00
                 p.m. on 4/26/98; the court will entertain additional oral
                 argument at the end of trial day on 4/27/98 (cc: all
                 counsel) (kayp) [Entry date 04/23/98]

4/23/98  1059    ORDER by Judge James M. Moody ruling on the objections to
                 the deposition designations for Richard Ashley (cc: all
                 counsel) EOD 4/23/98 (kayp)

4/23/98  1060    ORDER by Judge James M. Moody re pltfs' motion in limine
                 no. 25 regarding the relevance of the price cap protections
                 contained in the contracts between the parties (cc: all
                 counsel) EOD 4/23/98 (kayp)

4/23/98  --      CLERK'S MINUTES: JURY TRIAL continues. DAY 7. Ctrptr. Fant,
                 Power, Newburg & Hinson (sp) [Entry date 04/24/98]

4/24/98  1061    SUPPLEMENTAL MEMORANDUM by pltfs in support of motion in
                 limine no. 24 [1031-1] FILED UNDER SEAL (kayp)

4/24/98  1062    CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by pltfs of memorandum in support of
                 motion in limine no. 24 [1061-1] (kayp)

4/24/98  1063    MOTION by plaintiff in limine to exclude the testimony of
                 Stephen B. Humphries FILED UNDER SEAL (kayp)

4/24/98  1064    MEMORANDUM by pltfs in support of motion in limine to
                 exclude the testimony of Stephen B. Humphries [1063-1]
                 FILED UNDER SEAL (kayp)

4/27/98  1065    NOTICE by plaintiffs of filing trial designations of Jack
                 Reichert (jad)

4/27/98  1066    RESPONSE by defendant Brunswick Corp to plaintiffs
                 memorandum in support of plaintiffs motion in limine #24
                 [1032-1]  (jad)

4/27/98  --      CLERK'S MINUTES: JURY TRIAL continues. DAY 8. Ctrptrs.
                 Fant, Hinson, Newburg & Power (sp) [Entry date 04/28/98]

4/27/98  1067    ORDER by Judge James M. Moody ruling on the objections to
                 the deposition designations for John Russell (cc: all
                 counsel) (kayp) [Entry date 04/28/98]

4/27/98  1068    ORDER by Judge James M. Moody ruling on the objections to
                 the deposition designations for Alan Revington (cc: all
                 counsel) (kayp) [Entry date 04/28/98]

Docket as of April 30, 1998 7:05 pm               Page 137   

Proceedings include all events.                                   JURY
4:95cv781     Concord Boat Corp, et al v. Brunswick Corp          PROTO  DISC
4/27/98  1069    ORDER by Judge James M. Moody ruling on the objections to
                 the deposition designations for Dennis Holmes (cc: all
                 counsel) (kayp) [Entry date 04/28/98]

4/27/98  1070    ORDER by Judge James M. Moody ruling on the objections to
                 the deposition designations for Thomas Herbert, Mark
                 Lusink, Glenn McMachen, Brian Olson, Leo Parks, Randolph
                 Rohrer and Ray Yannone (cc: all counsel) (kayp)
                 [Entry date 04/28/98]

4/27/98  1071    NOTICE by Brunswick Corp of filing deposition designations
                 for William Decker, et al (kayp) [Entry date 04/28/98]

4/27/98  1072    RESPONSE by Brunswick Corp to pltfs' memorandum re the
                 relevance of evidence relating to the rationale for their
                 black-out  (kayp) [Entry date 04/28/98]

4/28/98  1073    ORDER by Judge James M. Moody pursuant to oral argument on
                 4/28/98 on deft's intention to introduce certain categories
                 of evidence (cc: all counsel) EOD 4/28/98 (kayp)

4/28/98  --      CLERK'S MINUTES: JURY TRIAL continues. DAY 9. Ctrptrs.
                 Fant, Power & Newburg (sp) [Entry date 04/29/98]

4/29/98  1074    ORDER by Judge James M. Moody ruling on the objections to
                 the deposition designations for John Charvat (cc: all
                 counsel) EOD 4/29/98 (kayp)

4/29/98  1075    ORDER by Judge James M. Moody denying motion in limine no.
                 24 except for the limited use of outboard documents on the
                 issue of product market definition [1031-1] (cc: all
                 counsel) EOD 4/29/98 (kayp)

4/29/98  1076    ORDER by Judge James M. Moody ruling on the objections to
                 the deposition designations for Edward Irons (cc: all
                 counsel) EOD 4/29/98 (kayp)

4/29/98  --      CLERK'S MINUTES: JURY TRIAL continues. DAY 10. Ctrpts.
                 Fant, Hinson, Power (sp) [Entry date 04/30/98]

4/29/98  1077    RESPONSE by Brunswick Corp to pltfs' Exhibit IV  (kayp)
                 [Entry date 04/30/98]

4/30/98  1078    ORDER by Judge James M. Moody ruling on the objections to
                 the deposition designations for Clint Moore (cc: all
                 counsel) EOD 4/30/98 (kayp)

4/30/98  1079    MOTION by Brunswick Corp to reconsider allowing further
                 testimony of Dr. Robert E Hall and, in the alternative,
                 for discovery and other relief (kayp)

Docket as of April 30, 1998 7:05 pm               Page 138   

Proceedings include all events.                                   JURY
4:95cv781     Concord Boat Corp, et al v. Brunswick Corp          PROTO  DISC
4/30/98  1080    MEMORANDUM by Brunswick Corp in support of motion to
                 reconsider allowing further testimony of Dr. Robert E Hall
                 [1079-1] and in the alternative for discovery and other
                 relief [1079-2] (kayp)

4/30/98  --      CLERK'S MINUTES: JURY TRIAL CONTINUES. DAY 11. Ctrptrs.
                 Fant, Hinson & Newburg (sp)

[END OF DOCKET: 4:95cv781]


Docket as of May 5, 1998 7:04 pm Page 138 Proceedings include all events. JURY 4:95cv781 Concord Boat Corp, et al v. Brunswick Corp PROTO DISC JWC 4/30/98 1080 MEMORANDUM by Brunswick Corp in support of motion to reconsider allowing further testimony of Dr. Robert E Hall [1079-1] and in the alternative for discovery and other relief [1079-2] (kayp) 4/30/98 -- CLERK'S MINUTES: JURY TRIAL CONTINUES. DAY 11. Ctrptrs. Fant, Hinson & Newburg (sp) 5/1/98 1081 ORDER by Judge James M. Moody denying motion to reconsider allowing further testimony of Dr. Robert E Hall [1079-1] and granting in part motion for discovery and other relief [1079-2] (cc: all counsel) EOD 5/1/98 (kayp) [Edit date 05/01/98] 5/1/98 1082 TRANSCRIPT (1 volume) of Daubert hearing (morning session) before the Hon. James M. Moody on 4/10/98 (kayp) [Entry date 05/04/98] 5/4/98 1083 ORDER by Judge James M. Moody ruling on the deposition designations for Karl Kaukis (cc: all counsel) EOD 5/4/98 (kayp) 5/4/98 1084 ORDER by Judge James M. Moody ruling on the objections to the deposition designations for Alan Castrodale (cc: all counsel) EOD 5/4/98 (kayp) 5/4/98 1085 ORDER by Judge James M. Moody ruling on the objections to the deposition designations for James Hubbard (cc: all counsel) EOD 5/4/98 (kayp) 5/4/98 1086 ORDER by Judge James M. Moody ruling on the objections to the deposition designations for John Randolph (cc: all counsel) EOD 5/4/98 (kayp) 5/4/98 1087 ORDER by Judge James M. Moody ruling on the objections to the deposition designations for Robert Steinway (cc: all counsel) EOD 5/4/98 (kayp) 5/4/98 1088 ORDER by Judge James M. Moody ruling on the admissibility of exhibits (cc: all counsel) EOD 5/4/98 (kayp) 5/4/98 -- CLERK'S MINUTES: JURY TRIAL continues. DAY 12. Ctrptr. Fant & Power (sp) [Entry date 05/05/98] 5/5/98 1089 ORDER by Judge James M. Moody ruling on the objections to the deposition designations for Jack Reichert (cc: all counsel) EOD 5/5/98 (kayp) 5/5/98 1090 ORDER by Judge James M. Moody ruling on objections to the deposition designations for Roger Patterson (cc: all counsel) EOD 5/5/98 (kayp) [END OF DOCKET: 4:95cv781]


5/5/98 -- CLERK'S MINUTES: JURY TRIAL continues. DAY 13. Ctrptr. Fant and Power (sp) [Entry date 05/06/98] Docket as of May 15, 1998 7:04 pm Page 139 Proceedings include all events. JURY 4:95cv781 Concord Boat Corp, et al v. Brunswick Corp PROTO DISC JWC 5/6/98 1091 RESPONSE by Brunswick Corp to motion in limine to exclude the testimony of Stephen B. Humphries [1063-1] (kayp) 5/6/98 1092 ORDER by Judge James M. Moody ruling on the objections to the deposition designations for Michael Gyorog (cc: all counsel) EOD 5/6/98 (kayp) 5/6/98 -- CLERK'S MINUTES: JURY TRIAL continues. DAY 14. Ctprtr. Fant and Newburg (sp) [Entry date 05/07/98] 5/7/98 -- CLERK'S MINUTES: JURY TRIAL CONTINUES. DAY 15. Ctrptr. Fant & Merkel (sp) 5/8/98 1093 ORDER by Judge James M. Moody ruling on the objections to the deposition designations for Bob Gowens (cc: all counsel) EOD 5/8/98 (kayp) 5/11/98 -- CLERK'S MINUTES: JURY trial continues. DAY 16. Ctrptrs. Fant, Hinson & Power (sp) 5/11/98 1094 NOTICE by plaintiffs of filing trial designations of Peter Larson (bt) [Entry date 05/12/98] 5/11/98 1095 ORDER by Judge James M. Moody the following portions of pltfs' trial exhibit 949 should be redacted: FDL0040256, FDL0040259, Part C on FDL0040262 and Part D.1. on FDL0040264 (cc: all counsel) (bt) [Entry date 05/12/98] 5/11/98 1096 ORDER by Judge James M. Moody ruling on the objections to the deposition designations for Barry Eller (cc: all counsel) (bt) [Entry date 05/12/98] 5/11/98 1097 ORDER by Judge James M. Moody upon request of deft to reconsider certain ruling on the deposition designations for Michael Gyorog, the court finds that the objections at 388:8 - 389:2; 393:16 - 394:4; and 303:3 - 305:20 should be sustained (cc: all counsel) (bt) [Entry date 05/12/98] 5/11/98 1098 ORDER by Judge James M. Moody ruling on the objections to the deposition designations for Kenneth Kaul (cc: all counsel) (bt) [Entry date 05/12/98] Docket as of May 15, 1998 7:04 pm Page 140 Proceedings include all events. JURY 4:95cv781 Concord Boat Corp, et al v. Brunswick Corp PROTO DISC JWC 5/11/98 1099 ORDER by Judge James M. Moody the court has received letters requesting reconsideration of certain rulings in the court's May 4 order; the following is the court's ruling: the court will not reconsider any of the rulings based upon deft's objection of lack of sponsorship or context; the court will not reconsider rulings based upon deft's objection that some of the documents are outboard related; re pltfs' exhibit 460, the court will only allow pltfs to introduce those pages or portions of this document which pltfs contend are relevant to product market; the court will not change its rulings with respect to pltfs' exhibits 239, 1323, 1184 and 1192; the court finds that pltfs' exhibit 2364 is admissible (cc: all counsel) (bt) [Entry date 05/12/98] 5/12/98 1100 RESPONSE by defendant Brunswick Corp to pltfs' exhibit VI - discovery responses  (bt) 5/12/98 -- CLERK'S MINUTES:JURY TRIAL continues. DAY 17. Ctrptr. Fant & Power (sp) 5/12/98 1101 ORDER by Judge James M. Moody ruling on the objections to the deposition designations for Peter Larson (cc: all counsel) (bm) [Entry date 05/13/98] 5/12/98 1102 ORDER by Judge James M. Moody ruling on the objections to the deposition designations for Thomas Dugall (cc: all counsel) (bm) [Entry date 05/13/98] 5/12/98 1103 ORDER by Judge James M. Moody ruling on the objections to the deposition designations for William McManaman (cc: all counsel) (bm) [Entry date 05/13/98] 5/12/98 1104 ORDER by Judge James M. Moody ruling on the objections to the deposition designations for Raymond Agner (cc: all counsel) (bm) [Entry date 05/13/98] 5/12/98 1105 ORDER by Judge James M. Moody ruling on the objections to the deposition designations for Sharon Littlefield (cc: all counsel) (bm) [Entry date 05/13/98] 5/13/98 -- CLERK'S MINUTES: JURY TRIAL continues. DAY 18. Ctrptrs. Fant, Power & Newburg (sp) 5/13/98 1106 RESPONSE by defendant to pltfs' exhibit VII - (regarding pltfs' exhibit 235)  (bt) [Entry date 05/14/98] 5/13/98 1107 MOTION by defendant for judgment as a matter of law (bt) [Entry date 05/14/98] 5/13/98 1108 MEMORANDUM by defendant in support of motion for judgment as a matter of law [1107-1] (UNDER SEAL) w/2 volumes of exhibits (bt) [Entry date 05/14/98] Docket as of May 15, 1998 7:04 pm Page 141 Proceedings include all events. JURY 4:95cv781 Concord Boat Corp, et al v. Brunswick Corp PROTO DISC JWC 5/13/98 1109 ORDER by Judge James M. Moody ruling on pltfs' trial exhibit VI (cc: all counsel) (bt) [Entry date 05/14/98] 5/13/98 1110 ORDER by Judge James M. Moody ruling on the objections to the deposition designations for Patrick Manion (cc: all counsel) (bt) [Entry date 05/14/98] 5/14/98 -- CLERK'S MINUTES: HEARING on motions before Judge James M. Moody. Ctrptr. Fant (sp) 5/15/98 1111 AMENDED MOTION by defendant for judgment as a matter of law (bt) 5/15/98 1112 SUPPLEMETNAL MEMORANDUM by defendant in support of motion for judgment as a matter of law [1111-1] (bt) [END OF DOCKET: 4:95cv781]


5/15/98 1113 SUPPLEMENTAL MEMORANDUM by plaintiffs in support of motion in limine to exclude testimony of Stephen B. Humphries (bt) [Entry date 05/18/98] 5/15/98 -- CLERK'S MINUTES: Hearing on motion held before Judge Moody. (Ct. Rep. -- Genie Power) (mh) [Entry date 05/19/98] [Edit date 05/21/98] 5/18/98 1114 RESPONSE by defendant to court's oral request  (bt) 5/18/98 -- CLERK'S MINUTES: JURY TRIAL resumed before Judge James M. Moody. 20th day. (Ct. Rep's. -- A.M. - Elaine Hinson; P.M. - Genie Power, Pegge Merkel) (mh) [Entry date 05/21/98] 5/19/98 -- CLERK'S MINUTES: JURY TRIAL resumed before Judge James M. Moody. Day 21. (Ct. Rep's. -- A.M. - Christa Newberg; P.M. - Pegge Merkel, Genie Power) (mh) [Entry date 05/21/98] 5/20/98 -- CLERK'S MINUTES: JURY TRIAL resumed before Judge James M. Moody. Day 22. (Ct. Rep's. - A.M. - Pegge Merkel; P.M. Christa Newberg, Elaine Hinson) (mh) [Entry date 05/21/98] 5/20/98 1115 ORDER by Judge James M. Moody ruling on the objections to the deposition designations for John Winn (cc: all counsel) (bt) [Entry date 05/21/98] 5/20/98 1116 ORDER by Judge James M. Moody ruling on the objections to the deposition designations for Charles Strang (cc: all counsel) (bt) [Entry date 05/21/98] 5/20/98 1117 ORDER by Judge James M. Moody granting motion in limine to exclude the testimony of Stephen B. Humphries [1063-1] (cc: all counsel) (bt) [Entry date 05/21/98] 5/21/98 1118 MEMORANDUM by plaintiffs in opposition to motion for judgment as a matter of law [1107-1] UNDER SEAL (bt) [Edit date 05/22/98]


Docket as of June 18, 1998 7:02 pm Page 142 Proceedings include all events. JURY 4:95cv781 Concord Boat Corp, et al v. Brunswick Corp PROTO DISC JWC 5/21/98 1119 SEPARATE MEMORANDUM IN RESPONSE by plaintiffs to amended motion for judgment as a matter of law [1111-1] UNDER SEAL (bt) [Edit date 05/22/98] 5/21/98 -- CLERK'S MINUTES: JURY TRIAL resumed before Judge James M. Moody. Day 23. (Ct. Rep's. - AM - Genie Power, PM - Elaine Hinson, Christa Newberg) (mh) [Entry date 05/26/98] 5/26/98 1120 ORDER by Judge James M. Moody ruling on the objections to the deposition designations for Leo Parks (cc: all counsel) (kayp) [Entry date 05/27/98] 5/26/98 1121 ORDER by Judge James M. Moody ruling on the objections to the deposition designations for Harry Christensen (cc: all counsel) (kayp) [Entry date 05/27/98] 5/26/98 -- CLERK'S MINUTES: JURY TRIAL resumed before Judge James M. Moody. Day 24. (AM Ct. Rep's. - Christa Newberg, Pegge Merkel; PM Ct. Rep's. - Christa Newberg, Pegge Merkel) (mh) [Entry date 06/03/98] 5/27/98 1122 MOTION by Brunswick Corp to quash pltfs' trial subpoena (kayp) [Entry date 05/28/98] 5/27/98 1123 BRIEF by Brunswick Corp in support of motion to quash pltfs' trial subpoena [1122-1] (kayp) [Entry date 05/28/98] 5/27/98 -- CLERK'S MINUTES: JURY TRIAL resumed before Judge James M. Moody. Day 25. (AM Ct. Rep. - Pegge Merkel; PM Ct. Rep's. - Genie Power, Christa Newberg) (mh) [Entry date 06/03/98] 5/28/98 1124 ORDER by Judge James M. Moody directing parties to submit simultaneous briefs on the issue of the function of the jury in determining the relevant product market in this case by 5:00 p.m. on 6/2/98, as well as proposed verdict forms (cc: all counsel) EOD 5/28/98 (kayp) 5/28/98 -- CLERK'S MINUTES: JURY TRIAL resumed before Judge James M. Moody. Day 26. (AM Ct. Rep. - Christa Newberg; PM Ct. Rep's. - Genie Power, Pegge Merkel) (mh) [Entry date 06/03/98] 6/1/98 -- CLERK'S MINUTES: JURY TRIAL resumed before Judge James M. Moody. Day 27. (AM Ct. Rep's. - Pegge Merkel, Elaine Hinson; PM Ct. Rep's. - Elaine Hinson, Pegge Merkel) (mh) [Entry date 06/03/98] 6/2/98 1125 BRIEF filed by pltfs in response to court's order of 5/27/98 re product market (FILED UNDER SEAL) (kayp) [Edit date 06/02/98] 6/2/98 1126 MEMORANDUM OF LAW filed by pltfs re the proper definition of monopoly power (FILED UNDER SEAL) (kayp) [Edit date 06/02/98] Docket as of June 18, 1998 7:02 pm Page 143 Proceedings include all events. JURY 4:95cv781 Concord Boat Corp, et al v. Brunswick Corp PROTO DISC JWC 6/2/98 1127 MEMORANDUM filed by deft Brunswick Corp in response to court's 5/27/98 order on relevant product market instructions (kayp) 6/2/98 -- CLERK'S MINUTES: JURY TRIAL resumed before Judge James M. Moody. Day 28. (AM Ct. Rep's. - Elaine Hinson, Pegge Merkel; PM Ct. Rep's. Pegge Merkel, Elaine Hinson) (mh) [Entry date 06/03/98] 6/2/98 -- CLERK'S MINUTES: JURY TRIAL resumed before Judge James M. Moody. Day 28. (AM Ct. Rep's. -- Elaine Hinson, Pegge Merkel; PM Ct. Rep's. -- Pegge Merkel, Elaine Hinson) (mh) [Entry date 06/14/98] 6/5/98 1128 MOTION by pltfs in limine (Dr. Warren-Boulton's transfer pricing analysis) FILED UNDER SEAL (kayp) [Entry date 06/08/98] 6/5/98 1129 MEMORANDUM by pltfs in support of motion in limine [1128-1] FILED UNDER SEAL (kayp) [Entry date 06/08/98] 6/5/98 1130 AFFIDAVIT of K. Craig Wildfang re motion in limine [1128-1] FILED UNDER SEAL (kayp) [Entry date 06/08/98] 6/5/98 1131 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by pltfs of motion in limine [1128-1], memorandum in support [1129-1] and affidavit of service [1130-1] (kayp) [Entry date 06/08/98] 6/8/98 1132 MOTION by pltfs in limine re trial testimony of Charles Venus (kayp) 6/8/98 1133 MEMORANDUM by pltfs in support of motion in limine [1132-1] (kayp) 6/8/98 1134 MOTION by pltfs in limine (Dr Rapp's subject matters) FILED UNDER SEAL (kayp) 6/8/98 1135 MEMORANDUM by pltfs in support of motion in limine (Dr. Rapp's subject matters) [1134-1] (FILED UNDER SEAL) (kayp) 6/8/98 1136 AFFIDAVIT of K. Craig Wildfang regarding motion in limine (Dr. Rapp's subject matters) [1134-1] (FILED UNDER SEAL) (kayp) 6/8/98 1137 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by pltfs of motion in limine [1134-1], memorandum in support [1135-1] and affidavit [1136-1] (kayp) 6/8/98 1138 OBJECTIONS by Brunswick Corp to pltfs' recently proposed jury instructions for Brunswick's Section 1 Counterclaim (FILED UNDER SEAL) (kayp) Docket as of June 18, 1998 7:02 pm Page 144 Proceedings include all events. JURY 4:95cv781 Concord Boat Corp, et al v. Brunswick Corp PROTO DISC JWC 6/8/98 1139 RESPONSE by Brunswick Corp to pltfs' memorandum responding to the court's 5/27/98 order re product market [1124-1]  (kayp) 6/8/98 1140 MEMORANDUM by Brunswick Corp in opposition to pltfs' motion and proposed jury instruction re competitive practices of other firms (kayp) 6/8/98 1141 MEMORANDUM by pltfs in opposition to motion to quash pltfs' trial subpoena [1122-1] (kayp) 6/8/98 1142 RESPONSE by Brunswick Corp to pltfs' memorandum of law re the proper definition of monopoly power [1126-1]  (kayp) 6/8/98 1143 MOTION by Brunswick Corp to quash pltfs' trial subpoena served upon Jack Reichert (kayp) 6/8/98 1144 NOTICE by Brunswick Corp of filing Exhibit A (kayp) [Edit date 06/08/98] 6/8/98 1145 ORDER by Judge James M. Moody ruling on the objections to the deposition designations for Joe Anders (cc: all counsel) EOD 6/8/98 (kayp) 6/8/98 1146 ORDER by Judge James M. Moody ruling on the objections to the deposition designations for Robert Lovelace (cc: all counsel) EOD 6/8/98 (kayp) 6/8/98 -- CLERK'S MINUTES: JURY TRIAL resumed before Judge James M. Moody. Day 29. (AM Ct. Rep's. - Christa Newberg, Elaine Hinson; PM Ct. Rep's. - Pegge Merkel, Elaine Hinson) (mh) [Entry date 06/14/98] 6/9/98 1147 ORDER by Judge James M. Moody ruling on the objections to the deposition designations for Roger Harmon (cc: all counsel) EOD 6/9/98 (kayp) 6/9/98 1148 ORDER by Judge James M. Moody ruling on the ojections to the deposition designations for Noel Pooler (cc: all counsel) EOD 6/9/98 (kayp) 6/9/98 -- CLERK'S MINUTES: Jury Trial resumed before Judge James M. Moody. Day 30. (AM Ct. Rep. - Genie Power; PM Ct. Rep's. - Elaine Hinson, Pegge Merkel) (mh) [Entry date 06/14/98] 6/10/98 -- CLERK'S MINUTES: JURY TRIAL resumed before Judge James M. Moody. Day 31. (AM Ct. Rep. - Christa Newberg; PM Ct. Rep's. - Genie Power, Elaine Hinson) (mh) [Entry date 06/14/98] 6/11/98 -- CLERK'S MINUTES: JURY TRIAL resumed before Judge James M. Moody. Day 32. (AM Ct. Rep. - Pegge Merkel; PM Ct. Rep's. - Christa Newberg, Genie Power) (mh) [Entry date 06/14/98] Docket as of June 18, 1998 7:02 pm Page 145 Proceedings include all events. JURY 4:95cv781 Concord Boat Corp, et al v. Brunswick Corp PROTO DISC JWC 6/12/98 -- CLERK'S MINUTES: JURY TRIAL resumed before Judge James M. Moody (out of the presence of the jury for motions & instruction arguments). Day 33. (PM Ct. Rpt's. - Genie Power, Christa Newberg) (mh) [Entry date 06/14/98] 6/15/98 1149 MOTION by pltfs KCS International and G W Invader for judgment as a matter of law on deft's counterclaim FILED UNDER SEAL (kayp) [Edit date 06/15/98] 6/15/98 1150 MEMORANDUM by G W Invader and KCS International in support of motion for judgment as a matter of law on deft's counterclaim [1149-1] FILED UNDER SEAL (kayp) 6/15/98 1151 MOTION by pltfs for judgment as a matter of law re the court's 6/9/98 drft jury instruction no. 89 FILED UNDER SEAL (kayp) 6/15/98 1152 MEMORANDUM by pltfs in support of motion for judgment as a matter of law re the court's 6/9/98 drft jury instruction no. 89 [1151-1] FILED UNDER SEAL (kayp) 6/15/98 1153 MOTION by G W Invader for judgment as a matter of law FILED UNDER SEAL (kayp) 6/15/98 1154 MOTION by KCS International for judgment as matter of law FILED UNDER SEAL (kayp) 6/15/98 1155 MOTION by Independent Boat for judgment as a matter of law FILED UNDER SEAL (kayp) 6/15/98 1156 MOTION by Concord Boat Corp for judgment as a matter of law FILED UNDER SEAL (kayp) 6/15/98 1157 MOTION by Galaxie Boat Works for judgment as a matter of law FILED UNDER SEAL (kayp) 6/15/98 1158 MOTION by Sea Arrow Marine Inc for judgment as a matter of law FILED UNDER SEAL (kayp) 6/15/98 1159 MOTION by Mariah Boats Inc for judgment as a matter of law FILED UNDER SEAL (kayp) 6/15/98 1160 MOTION by Harris Kayot Inc for judgment as a matter of law FILED UNDER SEAL (kayp) 6/15/98 1161 MOTION by Armada Manufacturing for judgment as a matter of law FILED UNDER SEAL (kayp) 6/15/98 1162 MOTION by Baha Cruisers/FRP for judgment as a matter of law FILED UNDER SEAL (kayp) 6/15/98 1163 MOTION by Campion Marine Inc for judgment as a matter of law FILED UNDER SEAL (kayp) Docket as of June 18, 1998 7:02 pm Page 146 Proceedings include all events. JURY 4:95cv781 Concord Boat Corp, et al v. Brunswick Corp PROTO DISC JWC 6/15/98 1164 MOTION by Caravelle Boats Inc for judgment as a matter of law FILED UNDER SEAL (kayp) 6/15/98 1165 MOTION by Mirage Holdings Inc for judgment as a matter of law FILED UNDER SEAL (kayp) 6/15/98 1166 MOTION by Play Time Mfg for judgment as a matter of law FILED UNDER SEAL (kayp) 6/15/98 1167 MOTION by Powerquest Boats Inc for judgment as a matter of law FILED UNDER SEAL (kayp) 6/15/98 1168 MOTION by Silverton Marine for judgment as a matter of law FILED UNDER SEAL (kayp) 6/15/98 1169 MOTION by Thompson Marine for judgment as a matter of law FILED UNDER SEAL (kayp) 6/15/98 1170 MOTION by Vanguard Industries for judgment as a matter of law FILED UNDER SEAL (kayp) 6/15/98 1171 MOTION by Albemarle Boats Inc for judgment as a matter of law FILED UNDER SEAL (kayp) 6/15/98 1172 MEMORANDUM by Independent Boat and The Stern Drive pltfs in support of motion for summary judgment as a matter of law [1171-1] [1170-1] [1169-1] [1168-1] [1167-1] [1166-1] [1165-1] [1164-1] [1163-1] [1162-1] [1161-1] [1160-1] [1159-1] [1158-1] [1157-1] [1156-1] [1155-1][1154-1] [1153-1] FILED UNDER SEAL (kayp) 6/15/98 1173 MOTION by Brunswick Corp for judgment as a matter of law following Brunswick's case FILED UNDER SEAL (kayp) 6/15/98 1174 MEMORANDUM by Brunswick Corp in support of motion for judgment as a matter of law following Brunswick's case [1173-1] FILED UNDER SEAL (kayp) 6/15/98 1175 RESPONSE by Brunswick Corp to motion for judgment as a matter of law on Count I of deft's counterclaim [1149-1] FILED UNDER SEAL (kayp) 6/15/98 1176 MOTION by Brunswick Corp for judgment as a matter of law on Count I of its Counterclaim FILED UNDER SEAL (kayp) 6/15/98 1177 MEMORANDUM by Brunswick Corp in support of motion for judgment as a matter of law on Count I of its Counterclaim [1176-1] FILED UNDER SEAL (kayp) 6/15/98 1178 NOTICE by pltfs of filing motion in limine (FILED UNDER SEAL) (kayp) Docket as of June 18, 1998 7:02 pm Page 147 Proceedings include all events. JURY 4:95cv781 Concord Boat Corp, et al v. Brunswick Corp PROTO DISC JWC 6/15/98 1179 MOTION by pltfs in limine to preclude deft from arguing in closing that each pltf was obligated to testify; and using in closing Dr. Rapp's demonstrative exhibits FILED UNDER SEAL (kayp) 6/15/98 1180 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by pltfs of motion in limine to preclude deft from arguing in closing that each pltf was obligated to testify; and using in closing Dr. Rapp's demonstrative exhibits [1178-1] [1179-1] FILED UNDER SEAL (kayp) [Edit date 06/18/98] 6/15/98 1181 RESPONSE by Brunswick Corp to motion for judgment as a matter of law on deft's counterclaim [1149-1] (kayp) 6/15/98 -- CLERK'S MINUTES: JURY TRIAL resumed before Judge James M. Moody. Day 34. (AM Ct. Rpt's. - Pegge Merkel, Elaine Hinson; PM Ct. Rpt. - Genie Power) (mh) [Entry date 06/16/98] 6/16/98 1182 MOTION by deft Brunswick Corp to dismiss counterclaim against certain pltfs (kayp) 6/16/98 1183 MOTION by Brunswick Corp in limine to preclude pltfs from raising four subjects during closing argument FILED UNDER SEAL (kayp) 6/16/98 1184 ORDER by Judge James M. Moody ruling on the objections to the deposition designations for James Viestenz (cc: all counsel) EOD 6/16/98 (kayp) 6/16/98 1185 MEMORANDUM by Brunswick Corp in opposition to motion in limine to preclude deft from arguing in closing that each pltf was obligated to testify; and using in closing Dr. Rapp's demonstrative exhibits [1179-1] FILED UNDER SEAL (kayp) 6/16/98 -- CLERK'S MINUTES: JURY TRIAL resumed before Judge James M. Moody. Day 35. (AM Ct. Rpt's. - Genie Power, Elaine Hinson; PM Ct. Rpt. - Pegge Merkel) (mh) 6/16/98 1186 Jury instructions proffered by Plaintiffs'Counsel and refused by Court. (mh) [Entry date 06/18/98] 6/16/98 1187 Jury instructions proffered by Defendant's Counsel and refused by Court. (mh) [Entry date 06/18/98] 6/16/98 1188 Jury instructions given to the jury by the court. (mh) [Entry date 06/18/98] 6/17/98 -- CLERK'S MINUTES: JURY TRIAL resumed before Judge James M. Moody. Day 36. (Ct. Rpt's. - Genie Power, Christa Newberg) (mh) [Entry date 06/18/98] [END OF DOCKET: 4:95cv781] Docket as of June 18, 1998 7:02 pm Page 148

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