Suzuki Page
Suzuki News Page |

This page is operated by RBBI and is NOT an official Suzuki page.
Suzuki at IMTEC98
Suzuki had another great show at IMTEC98. Our IMTEC98 Suzuki Page covers them winning the product innovation award for the second year in a row with their DF40/50 4 stroke outboards.

1998 "Gimme Six" Program
We received a copy of a Suzuki press release 15 December 1997 on the1998 "Gimme Six" program. For the third straight year, Suzuki will be offering six years of protection absolutely free with the purchase of new Suzuki outboards. During the promotion period (January 1, 1998 to March 31, 1998) Suzuki will give pleasure-use customers the extended 3 year protection plan (on top of the normal 3 year plan) at no cost They anticipate this promotion will give their dealers a significant advantage during the busy boat show season. The promotion will be in effect in every state except Florida, where cash rebates will be given.
RBBI comments: Wow! I used to work at a drive manufacturer and they endlessly debated going from a one-year warranty to a two-year warranty. They were fearful of the potential costs. Here is a manufacturer offering SIX YEARS! It really helps a boater get a better handle on their future operational costs. We encourage other manufacturers to follow the lead of Suzuki in this area. But, you better make sure your products can "take it" or this thing will come back and bite you!
I also like the way they dealt with the "commercial use" issue. Some manufacturers use "commercial use" as a reason for not extending pleasure use warranties. They say, "The commercial guys that use them every day will kill us on an extended warranty." Suzuki excludes them (at least for now) by stating "pleasure-use customers."

Suzuki at IMTEC97
Suzuki had a great show at IMTEC97. We covered the show and created an IMTEC97 Suzuki Page that covers them winning the product innovation award with their DF60/70 4 stroke outboards and some general coverage of their exhibits.

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