Concentration Ratio Page

Census Concentration Ratio Page

"Concentration Ratios" indicate what percentage of the total business in a four digit SIC code is being done by the largest firms in the industry.

The Manufacturing Census report is called "Concentration Ratios in Manufacturing" and is numbered MC(yr)-S-6 (where yr is last two digits of the census year). It indicates the percentage of business done by the top 4, 8,20, and 50 companies in each four digit SIC code industry. The full 1992 printed report is expected to be available in December of 1996; however, some of the data is already available on-line and we have provided it below. More information about the Census of Manufactures is available at You can read the page and then you can click on "VIEW" in the top left corner to move on into the census.

Similarly the Retail Census has a report called 1992 Establishment & Firm Size Subject Series #RC92-S-1. This report provides information on the size of the companies, sales statistics, employment size, multi-unit info, payroll, and concentration of the largest firms. We have copied the concentration information pertaining to Boat Dealers to our Concentration Ratio Page.

If you try comparing your firm to this data, be sure to use your 1992 figures.

The following internal combustion engine and boat builder 
concentration information was copied from the census 
web site file mc92cr.sum.  The first portion of the information
refers to all manufacturing industries.
The following tables contain selected statistics from the 1992 Census of

Manufactures report MC92-S-2, "Concentration Ratios in Manufacturing."  For

a copy of this report in database format, call (301)457-4769 - for 1992,

this report will not be released in printed format.

Table 1

Percentage of Value Added Accounted for by x-Largest Companies: 1992


50 Largest:    24%

100 Largest:   32%

150 Largest:   38%

200 Largest:   42%

Table 2

Percentage of Industry Statistics Accounted for by Largest Companies: 1992


Top       Value   Employment   Wages     Production Workers   Value  Captl

Companies Added   w/  w/out   w/  w/out  Number Hours  Wages Shpmts Expend


50         23.7  13.0  14.0  17.4  19.7   12.8   12.9   19.3   23.0   21.8

51 to 100   8.4   4.5   4.8   5.2   5.8    4.3    4.4    5.4    8.8   10.8

101 to 150  5.5   3.9   4.2   4.1   4.7    4.3    4.4    4.9    5.8    6.8

151 to 200  4.0   2.8   3.0   3.0   3.4    3.0    3.0    3.5    3.8    5.7

200        41.7  24.2  26.0  29.7  33.6   24.5   24.7   33.2   41.4   45.0

Table 3


                            Percentage of VS

               Value of     Accounted for by   Herfindahl

SIC  Number of Shipments x-Largest Companies   Hirschmann

Code Companies  ($Mil)      4    8   20   50     Index


3519       250   11824.2   56   75   91   97      1027       Internal Combustion Engines
3732 2376 4623.5 32 38 48 61 383 Boat Building & Repair

Note - their are far fewer companies in the Internal Combustion Engine manufacturing business than there are Boat Builders (250 vs. 2376) and that the Internal Combustion Engine Industry is even more concentrated that the Boat Builder Industry (top 4 companies account for 56 % vs. 32 % of the industry's business).

1992 Retail Census - Concentration by Largest Firms
SIC CODE 555 Boat Dealers
Establishments (number) Sales Amount ($1,000) Sales as Percent of Total Annual Payroll Amount ($1,000) Annual Payroll As Percent of Sales First Quarter Payroll ($1,000) Number of Paid Employees March 12th
FIRMS (Total) 4,779 5,537,139 100.0 557,982 10.1 117,372 27,282
4 Largest Firms 96 217,331 3.9 15,830 7.3 3,514 1,006
8 Largest Firms 125 329,185 5.9 24,679 7.5 5,505 1,333
20 Largest Firms 151 530,590 9.6 40,507 7.6 8,774 1,904
50 Largest Firms 205 837,099 15.1 70,975 8.5 15,436 3,092

Note the Boat Dealer industry is far less concentrated than the other 2 industries examined earlier (top 4 firms only account for 3.9% of the business). Also it is very apparent that most dealers only have one location. In the future we may post some "average calculations" with this data. Meanwhile, you might want to go ahead and calculate some of the averages yourself.

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