Boat Building Industry Purchasing Desk
Recreational Boat Building Industry
Purchasing Desk |

Discussion of Links
Be sure and browse the Benchmarking / Re-Engineering, Engineering Components, and Purchasing / Procurement / Acquisitions segments of the Other Useful Links section. Be sure to expecially visit those sites labeled
. The Benchmarking / Re-Engineering segment has some good links on revitalizing your purchasing dept. The Engineering Components segment has links to several major sources of component information.
You will also find the Office Tools section to be of great use to you in finding phone numbers, addresses, local maps, zip codes, area codes, and all those other things your always trying to lookup.
Other Areas of the Site
If you are looking for some help in the coating industries, there are three exceptional web sites in that area that also host vendors in those fields. FinishingCom, Metal Finishing, and Paint/Coatings Net . Links to these great sites are provided in the Corrosion Links segment of our Other Useful Links page.

Miscellaneous Thoughts and Ideas
If you want to evaluate a potential supplier we have a "How to Learn About an Industry or a Specific Company" page on a sister web site that will help you do it in an organized manner. It also handles many of the tasks online.

Site Sponsors
Also, please remember the sponsors of this web site. They have helped make all this information available to your company and are only a "click away" when you need them. If you already deal with them or contact them as a result of seeing them here, please thank them for their sponsorship of this site. If you have some major suppliers who aren't currently sponsoring a page on this web site, you might want to mention the opportunity to them. Tell them you are seeing their competition daily when you use this resource to do your work and you were wondering where they were. That will get their attention. The more sponsors we can line up, the better this site will be. Its as simple as that. We appreciate any help you can give us by mentioning us to your suppliers.

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