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California Bowen Bill Analysis
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BILL ANALYSIS AB 2439 ASSEMBLY THIRD READING AB 2439 (Bowen) As Amended May 5, 1998 Majority vote ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY 5-3 Ayes: Wayne, Bowen, Ducheny, Keeley, Knox Nays: Prenter, Cunneen, Richter SUMMARY : Excludes, beginning June 1, 2004, the use of watercraft propelled by certain two-stroke engines with more than 10 horsepower from recreational uses in lakes or reservoirs serving as sources of drinking water. Specifically, this bill : 1) Excludes, beginning June 1, 2004, the use of watercraft propelled by a two-stroke engine that discharges unburned fuel or oil as a function of its design, with a power rating greater than 10 horsepower, from recreational uses on a lake or reservoir that serves as a domestic water supply or that is directly connected to a drinking water supply distribution and treatment system. 2) Exempts from this exclusion two-stroke engines with a power rating of 10 or fewer horsepower or those for use in certain emergency response activities, such as search, rescue and lifesaving. EXISTING LAW allows water agencies to construct and operate recreational facilities appurtenant to any lands, dams, reservoirs, facilities or works owned or operated by the agency. At an agency's discretion, recreational uses at these facilities can include the use of watercraft propelled by two-stroke engines. FISCAL EFFECT : Unknown COMMENTS : 1) According to the author, emissions from two-stroke marine engines rank among California's largest sources of toxic water pollution. The high emissions are due to the inefficiency of the two-stroke engine, which requires fuel and oil to be mixed prior to use, causing incomplete combustion. A United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) study shows that approximately 25% of the fuel/oil mixture from two-stroke engines is emitted, unburned, in the exhaust. 2) USEPA certification data demonstrate that two-stroke engines produce over eight times the hydrocarbon emissions produced by four-strokes, on average. Discharges to water by these motors include known carcinogens such as benzene and toluene. While approximately 10-15% more expensive, four-stroke engines on the market today are more efficient, contain internal oil systems not requiring pre-mixing with (and thus discharge with) gasoline, and produce fewer air and water emissions. 3) This bill does not constitute an outright ban on the use of two-stroke motors. The author states that it is specifically designed to protect domestic water supplies from the pollutants discharged from the engines. With recent revelations about the harmful and migratory nature of fuel additives such as methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) and their effects on water supplies, the author believes that protective measures must be taken immediately. However, the author states that this bill is designed to address the pollution cause by two-stroke engines, generally, and not the effects of MTBE, specifically. Opponents charge that a ban on MTBE is a direct solution to the immediate problems posed by it. However, the author states that a ban on MTBE alone does not address the emissions problems caused by two-strokes, including the discharge of chemicals known to cause cancer or reproductive harm that are inherent in the formulation of motor fuels. As 75% of California's reservoirs allow motorized boating, harmful emissions will continue to be released into the water supplies. Opponents suggest that, as drafted, this bill serves as a complete ban of two-strokes over 10 horsepower in all freshwater areas. Since virtually all sources of freshwater lead to a drinking source, this bill would have a profoundly limiting impact on motorized uses of those areas. The author states that the language is narrowly defined, specifically only addressing enclosed bodies of water such as lakes and reservoirs that either serve as drinking water supplies, or are directly connected to drinking water supply systems. This is not intended to cover the entire universe of freshwater areas and would necessarily exclude rivers and the delta region, as well as non-drinking water lakes and reservoirs. 4) A ban on the use of powerboats on enclosed bodies of water serving as drinking water supplies is not unique. For many years, several water districts throughout the state have passed ordinances either prohibiting or heavily restricting the use of boats powered by internal combustion engines. The districts state that due to their relative size, lack of ability to dilute, and costs involved with treating the water to meet federal and state drinking water standards, certain reservoirs and lakes are closed to all but non-powered or electric-powered boats. 5) The issue has been raised that the provisions of this bill could affect two areas subject to federal regulation that pre-empt the state's ability to regulate. First, this bill will apply to federally-controlled bodies of water that serve as a domestic water supply (i.e., including Lake Shasta, Lake Berryessa and Folsom Lake, which are operated by the Bureau of Reclamation as reservoirs for the Central Valley Project). Opponents state that to the extent that use limitations would apply to these facilities, with accompanying revenue losses, federal pre-emption issues may arise with respect to attempts by state law to regulate interstate commerce. Second, this bill will apply to non-federal facilities improved by federal funds. Opponents cite a recent Federal Appellate Court case that held that a ban on the use of personal water craft in the Sacramento River by a City of Redding ordinance violated federal law [ Buckley v. City of Redding , 66 F.3d 188, Ninth Circuit (1995)]. The court held, in part, that to the extent that federal funds were used to build and maintain a boat launch facility, an outright prohibition on access to the river via that facility violates federal law. However, the court did state that it was within the city's power to place horsepower limitations on boats using these facilities, so long as it does not discriminate among those power boats with common horsepower ratings. Analysis prepared by : Scott H. Valor / aestm / (916) 319-3965 FN 038125
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