copied from: Technology Access - Technology Marketplace - Automotive Section October 1996

Low-Emission Engines from Russia

Technology: Three different engines, using different fuels: hydrogen, extracted within the engine from methanol, using catalysis and the heat of the exhaust; the axial engine, which automatically changes piston stroke depending on load, and comes in gasoline and diesel versions. Markets: Automotive, trucks, small vehicles, stationary engines, aircraft.

Advantages: The developers claim that the hydrogen engine can meet the zero-emissions requirement set for California and other states for 1998. By generating the hydrogen onboard, no new distribution and storage system is needed. Alternatively, the engine can run on methanol or other fuels directly. Carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons are reduced by 99%, and NOx by 85%, according to the developers.

The axial engine, with its novel arrangement of five or seven cylinders, can reduce fuel consumption by 35-40%, engine weight by 30-40%, and emissions by 40-45%, compared to similar horsepower (120/130) gasoline engines. At idle speeds, the piston stroke is shortened, resulting in 50% fuel economy.

Status: U.S. patents applied for; available for license. Estimated cost to develop: $3-20 million, in 1-3 years.

ACCESS: Boris Kisoulenko, Chief, International Dept., Central Automobile and Automotive Engine Scientific Research Institute (NAMI), 2 ul. Avtomotornaya, Moscow, 125438, Russia, 7 095 154-1431, fax 7 095 943-0030.

Technology Marketplace: Automotive

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