Genetic Algorithms Page

Genetic Algorithms Page

The first national exposure of this concept was a Wall Street Journal column on 14 July 1995. The article was titled, "At Deere They Know A Mad Scientist May Be A Firms Biggest Asset". This article describes the initial application of the method to forecasting by a Mr. Fulkerson and its early application in a John Deere Planter factory. It is also a great human interest article about a fine man laboring in the trenches all his life and finally bursting into prominence.

Another Wall Street Journal article covered it and some other "Nature" Technologies . It was a front page article on 16 January 1996. The article describes some of the current uses of the technology: scheduling events, picking stocks, and face recognition. The title of the article was "Back to Darwin - In Sunlight and Cells, Science Seeks Answers to High-Tech Puzzles".

Patent 5,319,781 was assigned to Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc. (see the first Wall Street article). The patent is titled, "Generation of Schedules Using a Genetic Proceedure." The beginning and end of the patent are quite interesting. The middle includes about 50 pages of computer code.

If you are interested in this topic we have links to more info on the web in the Genetic Algorithm segment of our "Other Useful Links" section.

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