Recreational Boat Building Industry Product Testing Folder
Recreational Boat Building Industry
Product Testing Folder |
We will be placing items of interest to those involved in the testing of drives and boats on this page.
Discussion of Links
You will want to browse the Other Useful Links section in general and specifically the Corrosion and EPA/Environment categories.
We have a group of Product Testing Links on our Other Useful Links page. Lake Havasu is often used for Engineering Testing and for Marketing / Magazine Shoots. Lake Taneycomo is a unique cold water trout 2,000+ acre lake near Branson Missouri that allows cold water testing the year around. The Safe T Boot might be useful in hiding your latest secret? It could even be used to hide new items at a boat show and be dramatically removed at the right time?? The Lab Planning Data link offers and incredible amount of information about designing, constructing, and operating and engineering test facility.
Test Site Weather and Water Conditions
We have created an RBBI Test Site Weather and Water Conditions Page that shows how to use the internet to determine current conditions, water levels, and current weather forecasts.
Center for Marine Training and Safety
The Center for Marine Training and Safety, a Galveston
TX partnership between Texas A&M University and the Texas Engineering Extension Service, offers many training
classes and will put together custom training for your product test people that spend a lot of time on the water. They offer basic technician type training, all kinds of water safety training including search and rescue, cold water emersion, and first aid in the water environment.
Coast Guard Office of Investigative Analysis
The Coast Guard Office of Investigative Analysis web site has some reports of prior accident investigations. Select the "Formal Investigative Reports Area". One of the two cases currently presented is of a low pressure CO2 fire suppression system in an engine room that discharged during a Coast Guard Inspection, killing 2 by asphyxiation and injuring 4 more. Many of you operate engine test cells with various fire extinguisher methods. Reading the background on this accident might help prevent a similar occurrence at your site.
Discussion of Other Areas of this Site
Open Water Rescue Procedures and Equipment
6 August 1997
We established the Open Water Rescue and Procedures Page to be an information source for those involved in open water rescue. Since product testing operations involve open water testing, we hope you will find many useful ideas on this page that improve your open water rescue readiness and capabilities.
RBBI Propeller Calculator
July 3, 1997
If you are trying to fit your boats with some props, be sure and check out the RBBI Prop Calculator. From 4 of the 5 variables (engine rpm, gear ratio, pitch, prop slip, boat speed) it can calculate the 5th one.
Miscellaneous Information
Laptop Computer Designed for On Water Use
A 10 January 1997 New York Times report on the 1997 New York Boat Show mentions a laptop computer designed for on water use with a titanium case and all the goods for long life. It is near the end of the 1997 New York Show Report. This might be just the ticket for some on-water data gathering??
New Cummins Prototype - Engine Development Facility
The December 1996 issue of Consulting-Specifying Engineer has a great 4 page article, "A Research Facility Driven to Succeed" on pages 38-41 describing numerous features of this new "top notch" engine testing facility. We will try to post some more information on it soon but thought some of you might want to "read ahead".
Speeding up Paint and Corrosion Life Tests
The October 1996 issue of R&D Magazine has an article on pages 25 and 26 titled, "Environmental Testing Firms Make Fast Work of Aging". The article is put together from conversations with several firms in the business of weather age testing samples.