I realize they are very busy and IMTEC is already crammed with events and seminars. It seemed to me like they could have found some way to have called a little attention to it in order to raise the awareness level of this potential problem. If the sky does fall (major weather problems) they will cover the disaster. Its a shame the industry can't become more pro-active instead of reactive. At least we tried.
Date: Fri, 5 Sep 1997 07:14:47 -0700 (PDT) From: Gary PolsonTo: NMMA Subject: El-Nino Hello Again! I forgot to mention it earlier, I had been thinking about trying to contact your organization and encouraging you to investigate / respond to the El-Nino situation (upcoming perhaps very bad weather). Would you please forward this note to whoever might really be involved with this type of an issue at NMMA. ________________________________ El-Nino Seems like weather has always been a major driver in boating industry. I think that perhaps a voice such as NMMA should be declaring "wake up and check this out" not, "the sky is falling". (at least not yet) The anticpated major weather problems for California and Florida especially could have major impacts on the industry. Builders need to take this into account in their forecasts, in reviewing their property and building insurance, in fixing up their facilities (making sure they "batten down the hatches"), and in formulating some real plans for what they might do if the weather gets extrememly bad. It will also be effecting their deliveries (to them and from them) and their customers stored boats. Maybe even their personal safety. Seems like IMTEC would be a good forum to at least try to get the issue out in the open. If you are interested, we have a page on the issue as it relates to boating that is in our "Weather Folder" or is temporarily linked to from our entry page. I personally am certainly no expert in the area. I would suggest you contact one of the Commodity Weather type guys (are several listed on our "Other Links Page" in the Climate section) and see what they think the impacts might really be specifically for the boating industry and maybe have one of them give a short talk and answer questions at IMTEC. Seems like this is a chance your organization has to gather some info and help its members become aware of a potential problem, as well as to prepare for it and minimize its effects. Seems like you could make some good points with your members like that? I know its very late to be adding major sessions at the conference, it just seems like it could be tossed in somewhere in one the more general sessions or areas to try to raise the awareness. Maybe 10 minutes at the breakfast? You could follow up on it your publications later. It would at least get them to think about it. I think most of your members haven't even thought about it. What do you think? If I can be of any assistance please let me know. gary polson RBBI http://www.virtualpet.com/rbbi ********************************************************************* Below is the NMMA Response ******************************************************************** Date: Fri, 5 Sep 1997 19:34:03 -0400 (EDT) From: NMMA To: polsong@virtualpet.com Subject: Re: El-Nino We really don't have anyone remotely qualified to deal with that issue, though I found it interesting and read everything you had posted. I think you are adding a dimension to your site by covering it, and perhaps that is where it will receive the best unbiased treatment. Keep up the good work.
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