RBBI Weather Folder
Recreational Boat Building Industry
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This page will be covering the effects and impact of weather upon the boat and drive makers, boat sales, boaters, and related industries. It will also providing methods for locating forecasts of local weather conditions for boating or the testing of boats. One of the "real intents" of this page is to draw attention to the very significant impact that weather has upon boating and encourage decision makers to include anticipated short and long range weather conditions in their decision making.
Long term weather forecasts should be input into product forecasts - don't wait till the year is over and say - "we would have made it if we would have had good weather at the shows and in the boating season." We suggest you include both short and long term weather as a factor in your planning processes.
Discussion of Links
Be sure and look at the Weather , Buoys and Marine Weather , and Climate sections of the Other Useful Links Page.
Discussion of Other Areas of the Site
The Product Testing Folder has a page on Test Site Weather And Water Conditions
Miscellaneous Thoughts and Information
El Nino
In late August 1997 several reports on the El Nino (Pacific Ocean warming pattern) began to point toward a potential wild weather pattern for the coming year. Some of the areas most likely to be impacted are California and Florida both of which are major boating states. In addition to effecting boating and boat sales, the potential exists for the mass destruction of boats and of boat building industry facilities. We are trying to call attention to this possibility without being to "THE END IS NEAR". We suggest you monitor developments and take precautions as necessary. We have created an El Nino Page to cover these developments.
Hurricane Proofing Your Boats
There is an exceptional post on preparing your boats for a hurricane at SAFE HARBOR. It describes specifically how to prepare a trailer boat for a hurricane and has many useful ideas.