Sprietsma v. Mercury Marine
Propeller Guard Case decided Against Mercury Marine /
Brunswick Corporation by the
U.S. Supreme Court on 3 Dec. 2002
Sprietsma v. Mercury Marine, a propeller guard case - full coverage of the U.S. Supreme court decision.
Sprietsma is pronounced "SPREETS-ma" - Spreetsma.
On Dec. 3rd 2002, the U.S. Supreme court unanimously reversed the decision of the lower courts. Mercury Marine /
Brunswick Corporation relied upon the 1971 Federal Boating Safety Act (FBSA) which did not require propeller guards and repeated
U.S. Coast Guard findings that no propeller guard existed that could provide protection for all boats as its defense.
The Supreme Court ruled that when the Coast Guard found no single type of propeller guard could uniformly
prevent injuries on all types boats, those findings did not mean that a propeller guard of some type might not
have prevented injury on this specific type of boat and motor. The specific language used in the opinion was:
"nothing in its official explanation (explanation of Coast Guard's findings) would be inconsistent with a tort
verdict premised on a jury's finding that some type of propeller guard should have been installed on this
particular kind of boat equipped with respondent's particular type of motor."
The Sprietsma v. Mercury Marine case been sent back down to the lower courts for trial.
Joe Pomeroy, General Counsel for Mercury Marine says they expect to win the case in the lower courts
because manufacturers have won all those cases to date. Mr. Sprietsma's lawyer, Leslie Brueckner,
points out those cases were all tried over a decade ago.
Coverage of the Decision
Note: some of these references are temporary in nature. If you want to keep a copy of them you should print them out or
save them.
- Supreme Court Holds That Injury Victims May Sue Boat
Engine Manufacturers for Failure to Install Propeller Guards. Trial Lawyers for Public Justice (TLPJ). Dec. 3, 2002. TLPJ represented
Mr. Sprietsma.
- All Things Considered: Supreme Court - Boat Lawsuit
National Public Radio audio clip. Dec. 3, 2002. By Nina Totenberg.
- U.S. top court allows motorboat propeller guard suits. Forbes web site. Dec. 3, 2002 Reuters news report.
- Prop ruling delights lawyer, worries NMMA.
Soundings Trade Only Online. 4 Dec. 2002. Soundings quotes Monita W. Fontaine (VP of government relations for the
NMMA) as saying they thought pre-emption was a good idea and now they fear a "patchwork of inconsistent regulations in multiple jurisdictions ..."
- Prop Guard Case Ruling Opens Door to a Patchwork of Boat Manufacturing Regulations Around the Country NMMA Press Release. 3 Dec. 2002.
- Full Text of the Oral Argument of this case before the U.S. Supreme Court is online in Adobe Acrobat {pdf) format. A free
viewer is available from Adobe.
- Federal Boat Preemption Decision Overturned By Supreme Court.
Mealey's Litigation Reports. Lexis Nexis. Dec. 3, 2002.
- Court opens door to more lawsuits over
boating accidents. By Jan Crawford Greenburg. Chicago Tribune. Viewed from KansasCity.Com web site.
- Silence is Golden, but it Doesn't
Preempt State Tort Actions. The Federalism Project. Dec. 4, 2002. Their comments note the decision may have
wider application and raises a federalism question: "does a federal decision not to regulate have the same preemptive
effect as a decision to regulate?"
- Supreme Court refuses
to shield manufacturers from lawsuits over boating accidents Associated Press. 3 Dec, 2002. Viewed from Boston.Com web site.
- The Federalist Outlook suggests they government may sent the
case back down in their efforts of "pacifying noisy constituencies", to limit their battles to what they see as more
important issues (getting anti-terrorism programs passed, etc). Search the page for Sprietsma to find their comments.
- One blogger, The Appellate Blog, provides several paragraphs of
coverage of the decision. For those not familiar with Blogs, they are "sort of" web diaries / logs. This one kept by
Howard J. Bashman covers appellate legislation. See the entries under Dec. 3rd 2002, or search the December 2002
page for "Sprietsma".
- High Court Rules Federal Law Doesn't Pre-Empt State Lawsuit. Robert S. Greenberger. Wall Street Journal Online. 3 Dec. 2002.
This article quotes Robert Conrad of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce as saying they are disappointed, but the decision "may
not have a lot of legs, because of its specificity."
- US High Ct: Brunswick Corp. Can Be Sued In Boating Death. Dow Jones Newswires. By Mark H. Anderson. 3 Dec. 2002.
- High court OKs DuPage man's suit Plaintiff blames boatmaker for death of wife. Chicago Tribune. Dec 4, 2002. 12/04/2002.
- High Court Rules Against Boating Industry in Propeller Case. Los Angeles Times. Dec. 4, 2002.
- Boatmakers Liable Under State Law, Justices Rule. The Washington Post. Dec. 4, 2002.
- U.S. Boat Law Doesn't Pre-empt State Suits United Press International. UPI Legal Affairs Correspondent. 3 Dec. 2002.
- Court Allows Suits Over Boat-Propeller Deaths.
FresnoBee. Bee News Services. Dec. 4, 2002.
- Court Ruling Backs Propeller Guards for Boats. StatesmanJournal.Com (Salem Oregon). Dec. 9, 2002.
- Sprietsma v. Mercury Marine.
Cornell University summary of the case. This is a very readable version of the decision.
- Prop guard case ruling may mean new regs
Marina & Boatyard Today. 9 Dec. 2002. This reference focuses on the possible fractured regulations that may come
about per the NMMA's comments.
- The interstices of common-law torts and the Federal Boat Safety Act. DREPT A
Journal About the Law and Right. Dec. 3, 2002 entry. Posted by Alina. This blogger provides very detailed and
insightful comments about the legal thoughts behind the decision.
- No. 01-706 Sprietsma v. Mercury Marine Supreme
Court Blog. Monday, Oct. 7, 2002 entry by Ted. Note - this pre-decision entry called it right. Its blogger says they do not think the court will
be very sympathetic to the argument that the express intent of Congress (Federal Boating Safety Act includes language
seemingly reserving all common law claims) is overuled by the negative regulatory decision of the Coast Guard.
- Sprietsma, Rex v. Mercury Marine A Case Summary by Northwestern University, Binh Ha Hong. Excellent
comments on the decison.
- Lawyer sees no avalanche of prop guard lawsuits. Jim Flannery. Soundings Trade Only. Jan. 2003. Pgs. 12-13. In this article Joe Pomeroy, lead counsel for Mercury Marine, says, "Barring some kind of breakthrough in prop guard technology, planitiffs face an uphill fight."
U.S. Supreme Court notifies Supreme Court of Illinois of its decision
Immediately after making their decision, the U.S. Supreme Court prepared and sent the certiorari
(letter explaining its findings) to the Supreme Court of Illinois which will then take up the case, or send it further back
down to the lower courts.
Their letter explains why the FBSA does not pre-empt (take precedence over) state law in this case and provides
several examples.
The letter is followed by an opinion on the case written by Justice Stevens. The opinion further explains the
reasoning employed by the court. Since the decision was unanimous, there is no dissenting opinion.
In addition to the link above on FindLaw, the certiorari and opinion
are also available from Cornell.
RBBI Thoughts on the decision:
Ruling out the FBSA defense will have MAJOR impact on the way the industry approaches prop
injury cases in the future. To date, the industry has been slow in developing effective means of
reducing the frequency and severity of these injuries. This may partially be due to fear that any
successful efforts would have to installed on all craft (both new and old). The U.S. Supreme Court
seemed to open the window to a variety of guard designs being installed on a variety (and NOT all) types of vessels.
Lawyers representing the injured would obviously try to push for coverage of all types of vessels, but much remains
to be decided in this area. Even if the Sprietsma Case is decided in Mercury Marine's / Brunswick's favor in the lower
courts based on its merits (specific circumstances surrounding the accident), other cases will be rapidly
following it. Plus those previously dropped or settled may come back under this ruling?
For those not familiar with the pre-history surrounding this case (the settlement of the Lewis suit in 1998),
we suggest the reference:
Unusual Settlement Removes Third Case
Washington Post
Joan Biskupic
May 26, 1998; Page A02
It discusses how Brunswick settled a somewhat similar previous suit before the U.S. Supreme Court at the last moment
in 1998 to avoid the possibility of losing the Federal Boating Safety Act / Coast Guard pre-emption, which has now been lost.
If the Sprietsma Case is tried on its merits (actual boat and motor, situation, conditions, local laws and common sense) some
reports are saying Mrs. Sprietsma may have substantially contributed to the accident by her position in the boat.
On the marketing side, with the economy sagging and boat sales sliding downward, when the general public hears
any sort of news about propeller injuries (this case is being reported by about every major media outlet) it certainly
does not stimulate them to run out and buy a boat. Hopefully the industry will now put some serious resources into
reducing the frequency and severity of propeller injuries.
Boating Industry Consortium to Address Propeller Injuries
Wouldn't that make a much nicer headline than another propeller guard case in the news? A coalition of several firms
could fund and cooperate in a propeller guard information clearinghouse (web site) and other efforts to help each other
in their efforts to reduce propeller injuries. The Consortium and Clearinghouse could:
- Provide a database of injury information (frequency, severity, circumstances)
- Report on new products and technologies with possible applications in this area
- Cover recent patents with possible implications in this field
- Establish a vocabulary could be defined so everyone is talking about the same thing
- Create standardized forms for recording propeller injuries
- Create standardized propeller guard tests
- Provide online accident reporting by people seeing them reported in the media and by those injured
- A team could be deployed to accident locations to record as much data as possible for use in evaluating designs
- Encourage cooperation in applying for government research funds in this area
- Cover the economics of the issue (costs of protection) and provide a forum for economic discussions of both current and existing boats
- Cover the medical implications and treatments and provide a forum for physicians to learn from one another
- Encourage academic research in this area
- Provide contact information for those working on the problem and their specific areas of interest
- Provide awards to encourage engineering student design projects in the area
- Provide an area for the industry, boaters and general public to comment on proposed designs and research
- Hold meetings in conjunction with major trade shows
- Provide an opportunity to firms and researchers to publish their efforts (including photos and videos)
- Provide a list of all issues raised against prop guards in the past so developers can try to address them
- Create email subgroups
- Keep everyone from having to re-invent the wheel
- Promote cooperation and interaction among those working on the problem
- Many other things to foster true development in this area
The Clearinghouse web site could resemble a toned down version of the U.S. Governments anti-terrorism information center, TSWG. Cooperation and dissemination of information would stimulate projects to reduce propeller injuries, result in higher quality proposed solutions and reduce their "time to market". Plus, actively supporting and participating in an effort of this nature might be taken into consideration by juries making a punitive damages awards. I venture to guess that less than 10 percent of the money spent on defending the Sprietsma case could fund an effort like this for a few years. If anybody is seriously interested in this or has other suggestions in this area, please contact us.
For further information on the Sprietsma v. Mercuy Marine / Brunswick Case, please see the History and Background section below. For additional information
on propeller guards, please see our Propeller Guard Update 2002 and Virtual Propeller Guards page.
History and Background Behind the Case
Our major coverage began in April 2002
The U.S. Supreme Court recently agreed to hear Sprietsma v. Mercury Marine.
The issue before the court is does the Federal Boating Safety Act of 1971
preempt common state law causes of action (injury suits) based on the manufacturer's
failure to install propeller guards.
The case stems from a July 1995 accident in Tennessee in which Mr. Rex Sprietsma's
wife, Jeanne Sprietsma fell from a boat powered by a 1988 115 horsepower outboard
motor built by Mercury Marine.
The case began in Cook County Illinois 312 ILL. App. 3d 1040. Mercury Marine won.
It went to Illinois 1st District Court of Appeals. Mercury won again. Findings of
that court are posted as
Sprietsma v. Mercury Marine No. 1-99.0012. 6 April 2000.
A Petition for a
Writ of Certiorari (request
to be reviewed by the Illinois Supreme Court was filed.
The Illinois Supreme Court case reference is 197 Ill. 2d 112 (Ill. Sup. Ct. 2001) or 757 N.E. 2d 75 (2001)
Supreme Court Docket Number 89492 presents the Supreme Court of Illinois Opinion
filed August 16, 2001. They affirmed (upheld) the Cook Country court's decision the federal
government's refusal to issue a regulation, in effect constitutes federal preemption.
This case was widely reported, including in:
A Writ of Certiorari (request to review) the
case was filed with the U.S. Supreme Court.
On January 22, 2002, the U.S. Supreme Court granted Certiorari (agreed to review) the case.
Boating Today Online News filed a
report on the
U.S. Supreme Court taking up the case. Most other boating publications have been pretty
quiet on it.
In 1997 the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear the same issue in Lewis v. Brunswick. That
case involved the death of a child from injuries sustained in a propeller accident. Brunswick settled,
(1998 WL 423665 and Lewis v. Brunswick Corp., 118 S.Ct. 1793 (1998)), before the court delivered
its decision. Per, Weighing
in on the Supreme Court, published by the American University Washington College of Law,
Brunswick settled in the face of an "assuredly adverse judgement". If the court had ruled against them,
every circuit, including those that had not yet decided the issue would be bound by the decision.
They would rather "play the odds" in each state than risk a judgement binding in every state.
Brunswick's most recent 10K filed with the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC)
acknowledges the case and states:
Nine federal courts and many state courts, including Illinois Supreme Court in Sprietsma,
have previously found such claims to be preempted by the United States' Coast Guard's
1990 decision, pursuant to the Federal Boating Safety Act, not to require propeller guards.
This company does not believe that the resolution of this matter will have a material adverse
effect on the Company's consolidated financial position or results of operations.
In the first round (Cook County Court), Mercury Marine successfully moved to strike the first five
pages of a Sprietsma reply brief arguing the preemption defense was unavailable
because the boat motor was manufactured in 1988 (before the Coast Guard 1990 decision).
The striking of this text was never addressed or ruled upon by the circuit or appellate
Previous Status of the Case and Our Comments
Note: status of the case in the U.S. Supreme Court can be followed from the
case docket on their site.
Oral arguements are expected to be scheduled for October 2002.
The Maritime Law Association of America filed a brief with
the U.S. Supreme Court on May 20, 2002.
Seventeen states filed a joint brief in support of Mr. Sprietsma's position.
The Product Liability Advisory Council, Inc. filed an extensive
brief in support of Mercury Marine.
The U.S. Solicitor General has filed a brief in support of Mr. Sprietsma's position.
Soundings Trade Only July 2002 had a feature article by Jim Flannery titled "Second prop guard
suit heads to Supreme Court." It reports Joe Pomeroy, general counsel for Mercury Marine, says
he does not think the devices will work, there is no evidence they will prevent injuries and he
thinks several potential dangers are associated with guards. The article reports the prosecution
suggests that as long as manufacturers are immune from prop guard claims the technology will not
move forward. There is no incentive for manufacturers to even try.
National Public Radio did an excellent background piece on the situation from the family's perspective
in October 2002. Profile: Family of boating accident victim.
National Public Radio. Morning Edition with Bob Edwards. October 15, 2002. [PDF]
Will be interesting to see if the case is settled before a decision as was done
in the prior Lewis v. Brunswick U.S. Supreme Court case.
Settlement will in part depend on Mr. Sprietsma's feelings about "its the principle of the
thing" vs. weighing the potential results of an all or nothing financial outcome.
Brunswick might offer a settlement in excess of a potential award to prevent an
adverse decision at this level from impacting future cases all over the nation.
A coalition of boat and drive manufacturers (Genmar, Bombardier, Yamaha,
Volvo, Honda, etc.) could possibly come to Brunswick's aid and
help fund the settlement offer to reduce future suits against them as well?
But this route has a problem. Mr. Sprietsma is being represented by
Trial Lawyers for Public Justice.
TLPJ takes on precedent setting, socially significant legislation. Most of
their work is done pro bono (without charge). It is reasonable to suspect
an agreement was reached with Mr. Sprietsma at the outset stating they would
not settle, but force a decision by the courts. Mr. Sprietsma might have
little chance of coming this far without their bankroll.
It is our understanding, that if he wins, the case will be passed back down
and he will receive the right to sue for recovery. TLPJ will have provided
others with similar accidents access to a possible venue for recovery.
If the case goes back down and is eventually won by Mr. Sprietsma,
TLJP would received their costs, a percentage of the award.
When the case begins to precede in the U.S. Supreme Court, lawyers
will begin to estimate the court's position. The case begins to work into a
matrix of possible estimations. Brunswick makes offers when they
anticipate medium or high risk of losing. Mr. Sprietsma's group would only
accept those offers if they felt the case was going the other way
(felt strong risk of them losing). A huge "Pot of Gold" might be tempting
in the other boxes, but TLPJ has been in those boxes before, probably
even for this case in earlier venues. They can defeat the temptation
to "take the money and run".
The actual estimation of how the case is going is much more complex
than in non-jury trials. Here they must estimate how the trial is generally
going plus how each judge feels based on body language and their past
voting records. Wonder how many of them have been power boaters?
Because the case has already been tried several times, there should
be few surprises in the references used, but lawyers always worry
about that one.
Whatever the eventual outcome of the case, many difficult decisions remain
to be made by all parties, including the Supreme Court Justices.
We hope this trial will raise the awareness level within the industry
of the seriousness of this problem and result in some significant
efforts to develop methods (whatever they may be) to reduce the
frequency and severity of propeller injuries.
One interesting side note: On March 12, 2002 Brunswick
was issued U.S. Patent # 6,354,892 for an infrared device that senses
people in the water near a marine drive (Virtual Propeller Guard).

Who are We?
As Polson Enterprises we have been
covering the propeller guard situation for several years, supplying information to
those developing guards and to attorneys working on propeller guard cases. We
also promote the development of sensors capable of detecting people in the water
near (or soon to be near) marine drives. These sensors could be utilized in
Virtual Propeller Guard system to detect people and object near a propeller.
The system could take appropriate actions to prevent or minimize injuries to those
in the water and those in the boat. In addition, we provide market, technical, patent
and legal research supporting the development of new marine products and operate
the RBBI web site.
Some of our coverage of propeller guard issues can be seen at:

If you have any comments about this case or our coverage, please drop us an email.

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