Miscellaneous Thoughts
- This is not just a U.S. problem, it is world wide, especially with divers
- Many prop accidents occur at rest and involve people behind the boat
- One prop guard firm is working on detecting a pager sized device worn by swimmers
- Sensor concept could be used by stern drives and outboards
- Government funding could be used for development?? ATP, ARPA, SBIR, others
- Insurance break to both boat owners and boat builders
- Lower legal costs (BC recently settled the Lewis suit for an estimated $700K)
- Improve safety image of boating
- A device using the concepts promoted here might be adaptable to other applications:
water mammal sensing, covert detection of people in water, seal detection in fish pens, water toys,
fountains (blow alarm to keep people out), industrial safety applications where people are partially
submerged in a fluid and others.
- Rental boats, deck/party boats and houseboats may be at greater risk.
- Rental boats due to lack of experience
- Deck/Party boats & Houseboats have people in the water more frequently and
the controls are distant from the propeller area.
- The basic concept has been posted on the net for over a year on the
RBBI inventions page. Some Parra patents
have expired. Patent protection efforts would need to be somewhat creative.