The U.S. Dept of Commerce maintains the NTDB (National Trade Databank) which contains a wealth of boat industry market reports filed by overseas U.S. representatives. This is an exceptional collection of International Trade information. Several of the older reports are accessible below. They and many more like them are accessible through the INQUERRY link in the Marketing Links segment of out Other Useful Links section. Just select the INQUERRY link, then select the demonstration link under the Inquerry heading. You can now word search the NTDB reports.

The information accessed above is often dated 1991 -1993. To access more current information you need to access the NTDB database itself, which is available at many public libraries. A link to an indepth discussion of the NTDB and an on-line access link are provided in the International Business Research Links segment of our Other Useful Links page.

NTDB Country Boating Industry Reports

Additionally the NTDB had a report on European Emission Regulations.

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